Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 22.
The fifth Power of Veto (POV) competition is complete. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Christmas Abbott nominated Bayleigh Dayton and Da’Vonne Rogers for eviction on Friday, and the three women battled it out in the POV alongside Ian Terry, Nicole Franzel, and Dani Briones. On Saturday evening it was revealed by Big Brother Daily on Twitter that Christmas walked away with the victory. This is the third win for Christmas this summer after she won the second Safety Suite and the fifth Head of Household (HOH) competition.
Christmas’s win came as a shock as she had just told Bayleigh and Da’Vonne that she wanted one of them to win and pull themselves off the block. Live feed viewers are still trying to figure out what happened, and the POV setup itself might reveal some clues. It looks like the challenge was a classic Big Brother game where the players competed in some sort of match, the first loser picked a prize and subsequent losers either stole their prize or picked another. The POV is the most coveted prize in the game, so how it ended up with Christmas will have to be discovered when the episode airs on CBS .
For now, all that was revealed was that Da’Vonne was out first as she was spotted crying immediately after the feeds began rolling. She was also awarded the $5,000 reward, which was given to her in a trade by Nicole. Da’Vonne later shaded Nicole by saying she only gave her the $5,000 because her vote gave Nicole $500,000 in Season 18.
It appears as if Christmas is not going to use the Veto, and both nominees are aware of that. Da’Vonne has admitted that she is going to be working overtime this week to campaign, and Bayleigh doesn’t seem like she wants to put the same amount of effort in. The Challenge: Total Madness star also said she knows her husband Chris “Swaggy C” Williams would want her to come home, and he admitted the same on Twitter today.
For now, it looks like Bayleigh will be the one sent packing, as most of the house thinks she’s more of a threat in competitions. Comments have been made that Da’Vonne cracks under pressure in these comps and it makes more sense for her to stay. Christmas, Dani, and Nicole have all told Da’Vonne that they want to work with her should she be safe this week, and the discussion of a girl’s alliance was had throughout the evening. It looks like some of the women are fed up with the men running the house, and they might make a major flip going into Week 6.