Christmas Abbott came onto Big Brother 19 as an obvious physical competitor, as a crossfit star, and as SB Nation gushed back in 2013, the first female member of a NASCAR pit crew . Few people foresaw that Abbott would end up having to play an entirely different game after entering the house.
During an early morning walk in the yard with fellow player Jason Dent, Abbott broke her foot, and it was no small injury. She left the house, had surgery and, shocking fans and likely her fellow players, chose to return to the game and heal inside the Big Brother compound.
When her injury was announced, some former winners questioned whether she should actually stay in the game. Global News reported that Dick Donato called her “foolish” for risking her post- Big Brother 19 career as an athlete. Ian Terry advised her to play up the injury as much as possible, while Derrick Levasseur expressed hope that she could make up for her setback with a mental and social game. One could argue that Abbott did just that, since she eventually got third place on Big Brother 19 .
As a result of her injury, Abbott was able to play in few competitions for the rest of the season. She ended up aligning closely with Paul Abrahamian (like everyone else in the house) and Josh Martinez (the eventual winner). During one extraordinary example of Paul’s string-pulling, Abbott, off her crutches but still unable to run, won a Head of Household sprint competition because everyone else deliberately false-started. One writer posting an opinion piece on Inquisitr and others wondered if anyone in the house would ever turn on Paul, and no one did — except for the jury.
On Saturday, freshly released from the Big Brother 19 compound, Abbott took to Instagram to show the world just how bad her foot injury really was. The grainy black-and-white photo appears to be the X-ray of her foot post-surgery.
She also revealed on Instagram that she was enjoying a post-show get-together with at least a few of her fellow castmates: Matthew, Raven, Paul, and Kevin.
Since it’s common for the Big Brother franchise to bring back returning players — many thought Paul had an advantage this year as a veteran of the game, while he repeatedly said he was at a disadvantage as the only veteran — it’s entirely possible Abbott may take another shot at the Big Brother crown on a future season. As someone who was clearly sidelined by injury, she may have the best argument of any past houseguest to make a return.
[Featured Image by Tom Cooper/Getty Images]