Yung Berg, of Love And Hip Hop, has been arrested in the brutal beating of his girlfriend. According to TMZ , the rapper, whose real name, is Christian Ward, was charged with obstruction of breathing.
According to the report, the incident happened at the Gershwin Hotel located at 7 E 27th Street in New York. When New York City police arrived at the location, they found a badly beaten woman. Details of the beating indicate the poor woman was dragged, thrown to the ground, struck in the face and grabbed by the neck, leaving her with a number of scars and injuries.
Law enforcement authorities arrested Christian Ward on Wednesday and transported him to the county jail, according to Contact Music . Chicago native Young Berg, whose parents onece placed him in a military boarding school, came on the scene in 2007, and has a celebrity net worth of around $2 million. The popular young rapper and writer has gained even more popularity since his debut on Love And Hip Hop.
Just days ago it was reported that the rapper and producer owed a whopping $86,000 to his baby mama for child support, according to the Urban Daily .
Update: Since we posted the first story Yung Berg has been fired from Love And Hip Hop Hollywood in light of the allegations against him. We originally reported that authorities arrested and charged Yung Berg for beating his girlfriend at the Gershwin hotel in New York just after filming. The victim was identified as Masika Tucker. VH1 quickly responded by axing the star from the hit reality show. Insiders say the fight happened after Yung Berg became enraged because his credit card was declined. VH1 issued the following statement on their official blog.
“Based on the severity of the allegations against Yung Berg, VH1 is terminating its relationship with him in connection with Love & Hip Hop Hollywood , effective immediately.”
Sources told WetPaint that Masika Tucker has since stated that she felt the domestic assault happened because he had been drinking. Defending the abusive boyfriend or husband is one of the classic signs of an abused woman according to many experts. Once a person understands that they may be in an abusive relationship it is advised that the person make plans to get out of the relationship as soon as possible. According to the Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence and Abuse by Laura L. Finley, an abused person should start gradually planning to leave the abusive relationship but should have an emergency plan in place just in case they need to leave sooner than expected.