If there is one thing you can say about the office spaces of the cool folks of Web 2.0 businesses is that they are just that – cool. Planned out with the idea of making it so the employees have it better at the office than they do when they go home there are a lot of perks and pleasures that go hand in hand when working in web related tech companies.
Mind you I’m not sure how many of them have a office pool. No I don’t mean the gambling type of pool either, I mean the real honest to goodness get all wet type of pool. Like the one that YouTube has in their building.
Of course that goes well with the putting green that they as well.
Yup it seems like YouTube has a pretty nice work environment full of all kinds of geek type goodness to help keep the natives from getting to restless. Now I’m not sure if this is a teleconferencing type monitor or if someone has the ultimate monitor geekiness to lord over everyone else.
But then who really cares when you have this kind of personal workspace to live and breath in – I want that monitor .. no make that two of that monitor.
Unfortunately though they broke my heart and probably any chance of accepting a job (ya. right.) because even though they have pretty nice full stocked drink coolers there’s no Pepsi .. and that just isn’t acceptable.
Got to admit though that is a pretty big building that they have so it’s no wonder they have a pool and putting green
Which is a good thing considering that even their stockrooms, or is it the company store?, have enough room for all manner of geeky toys to amuse themselves with
Hmm. I wonder if this is their effort to be ‘green’?
hat tip to FreshPics for this Tuesday afternoon geek office porn .