Over the last decade or so, WWE has put a lot of focus on the safety and well-being of all its superstars as they compete in the ring. With the content becoming “family friendly” about a decade ago, WWE moved away from having blood in its matches and most will be stopped if it happens accidentally. However, one superstar suffered a pretty bad injury during taping sessions prior to last night’s Monday Night Raw , forcing officials to bring out the dreaded “X” symbol.
Long ago, WWE outlawed “blading,” or the act of a superstar making themselves bleed during a match for added dramatic effect. Not only are they keeping with their PG image, but they also want to sit on the side of caution and safety for all of those involved in every single match.
Before Monday Night Raw officially began last night, WWE did tape matches for this week’s episode of Main Event . One of the matches that took place was Dana Brooke taking on Sarah Logan, but the bout ended in a “No Contest” after the ref needed to stop things due to an injury.
As reported by IW Nerd , Brooke was involved in a spot which included a turnbuckle and something didn’t go right, which caused her to be busted open. It got pretty ugly rather quickly and Brooke was bleeding profusely in the ring.
Referee stops match after Dana Brooke was busted open during WWE Main Event tapings https://t.co/Ctrk6MlbEH
— Wrestling News (@WrestlingNewsCo) June 18, 2019
The referee did throw up the “X” sign almost immediately, which brought the match to a screeching halt. That gesture is what symbolizes a legit injury and lets the training staff in the back know that they need to head to the ring to attend to a superstar.
When that symbol is revealed by the ref, any match will come to an end and is usually ruled a “No Contest.”
Brooke appeared to be alright as trainers hit the ring to help her out. The cut/gash appeared to be around her right eye, but she was in good enough shape to wave to the fans and walk out on her own while holding a towel against her face.
Some in attendance did say that it looked pretty bad, but video footage shows that she was moving around fine.
As of this writing, there has been no official update from Dana Brooke or WWE on her condition after the match took place. Luckily, there were people around her who took action quickly and were able to assist her when she was busted open the hard way during the aforementioned Main Event match with Sarah Logan.