Two women who were caught on video telling a Burger King manager to “go back to Mexico” for speaking Spanish have apologized, Yahoo Lifestyle reports.
It’s been a thing for a few years now: someone acts unbecomingly in public, whether towards a retail employee, food service worker, or a random passerby, and the incident is recorded on video. Sometimes, it’s because someone is angrily confronting another person for speaking a language other than English, usually Spanish. And as is usually the case, the incident goes viral on social media, and sometimes, even makes the national or international news.
Such was the case earlier this month, as Yahoo Lifestyle reported at the time, at a Burger King in Eustis, Florida. Manger Ricardo Castillo was speaking to an employee in Spanish. That didn’t sit well with two elderly women, who began harassing Castillo for speaking the language.
Castillo then told the women that he was from Puerto Rico, which is part of the United States.
The situation escalated, and customers got in on the discussion, including Neyzha Nicole, who filmed the incident. Nicole and other customers told the women they were being rude. They insisted they were in the right.
“Go back to Mexico. [If you want to] keep speaking Spanish, go back to your Mexican country. Your state, your country.”
Castillo had had enough, and kicked both women out. One woman insisted on staying, but Castillo threatened to call the police.
It’s been a couple of weeks, and Castillo has since taken to Facebook to say that the two women have written him a letter of apology.
According to the women, one of their spouses had just died, they were both in failing health and suffering from financial hardship, and, in the heat of the moment, they lost control of themselves. The women also say that they are both Christians and that their actions weren’t very Christlike.
“Our behavior termed by others as, ‘racist, hateful, ignorant, and prejudice’ reflected badly on us…as Christians our otherwise loving nature hit an emotional brick wall. That kind of behavior has no excuse and for that, we are truly sorry,” they wrote.
Ricardo posted a screenshot of the letter on Facebook.
Castillo, for his part, said that he accepts their apology, and what’s more, he wants to start a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for the women.
“I have no hard feelings toward them,” he said.