Whoopi Goldberg Slams ‘Crook’ Trump Over 'Black Church' Campaign on 'The View': “Trump Has No Chance”

Whoopi Goldberg Slams ‘Crook’ Trump Over 'Black Church' Campaign on 'The View': “Trump Has No Chance”
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L) Photo by Roy Rochlin; (R) Photo by Steven Hirsch

Whoopi Goldberg unleashed a scathing critique of 'crook' Donald Trump as The View hosts took turns slamming the former president for his voter outreach at a roundtable discussion in a Detroit Black church.

Goldberg was skeptical of claims that the former President was gaining favor among Black voters. “So, one of the biggest crooks in the country, and by that — 34 counts is what I'm talking about,” Goldberg began, as per Raw Story.



“Convicted felon is telling Black people that people are coming for their jobs. This is the narrative that is being pushed to Black voters. And they keep saying, you know, ‘Black people are going to him.’ Can we look at the church? Can we get a visual of the church? Of the Black church?” Goldberg asked, as footage played of a largely white group of Trump supporters at the event. 



Co-host Sunny Hostin also mocked Trump for assuming Black voters would be voting for him in November. "This isn't about Black voters choosing between President Joe Biden and Trump. This is about Black voters choosing between Biden and the couch," Hostin quipped.

"It's not about Trump. Trump has no chance of getting a majority of Black voters. Eighty-one percent of Black men are Democrats. Ninety-seven percent of Black women are registered Democrats."



“I'm not sure that most of these people even knew where that church was before they got to know he was coming there,” Goldberg speculated. 

Supporters of Trump however hailed the event as a huge success. Kellyanne Conway claimed that over 8,000 people miraculously filled the rows of seats, even though there were only a few hundred seats available at the venue. 

Detroit, a city with one of the highest percentages of Black citizens in the nation, is positioned to be very important in deciding who will receive Michigan's electoral votes, Newsweek reported.

The city has seen a tale of two realities— certain neighborhoods have seen a noteworthy economic recovery while others are still dealing with the consequences of systemic inequality and underinvestment.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Shahar Azran
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Shahar Azran


Political analysts predict that the growing expense of living and individual financial problems will be Detroit voters' top issues in the next election. Trump's efforts to gather a diverse base of support in crucial swing states like Michigan are anticipated to be closely scrutinized as the 2024 presidential election campaign picks up steam.

Trump's campaign staff claim there is room for improvement with Black voters, particularly among men who could be struggling financially. However, critics contend that Trump's record of divisive remarks and deeds casts doubt on the sincerity of his attempts to build rapport with these groups.



Pastor Sewell of 180 Church expressed his gratitude for Trump, emphasizing it 'means so much.'

As per Fox News, he said, "Sometimes we forget about the Black vote. Sometimes we forget about the power of what it means to vote for those who are in office and, in urban America, our voice matters. That's why it means so much to us that the former president will come and value our voice." He added, "I believe our current president has forgotten that the reason why he's in office is because the first Black president selected him as a vice president and because he selected a Black vice president."

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