The Republican race is over and the nominee is decided, while the Democratic race is facing twists and turns each day. While it seems Sanders is still a long shot from being a decided nominee of the Democratic party, he certainly looks to be the popular Democratic candidate at the moment since virtually every nationwide poll has placed him ahead of the Republican nominee.
Clinton started out as a pretty decent candidate, and she was leading Trump in the polls, but after being put through serious questioning on issues and pressure on the e-mail scandal, her position started to dwindle. The polls now show that despite people judging Trump as unqualified for the job, people would still prefer him over Hillary in the general election.
According to iNewsToday , in March and April, Hillary Clinton had a big lead in a head-to-head match-up with Donald Trump. It was a lead built while garnering 56.6 percent of the vote over 48 contests and was far greater than the lead Barack Obama held over Clinton in pledged delegates in 2008.
But things have started going downhill for the secretary, as she is gradually losing her ground against Donald Trump. The two polls released on Sunday were the most recent surveys to show a close race between Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, and Clinton who is the likely candidate representing the Democratic party.
An NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll shows Clinton leading Trump by 3 points, 46 percent to 43 percent; but, rather than focusing on the miniscule victory, she may be more worried by the fact that almost half of the voters say they want to consider a third-party option in November.
The new polls have shown that Trump has cut the lead to a difference that is within the poll’s margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.1 percentage points. In April, Clinton held an 11-point advantage over Trump, 50 percent to 39 percent, and had led him consistently by more than 10 points since December.
In a hypothetical matchup, if it were Bernie instead of Hillary, then he would lead Trump by 15 points (54 percent to 39 percent).
Since the Republican race is over, Trump has done an incredible job uniting the Republican base as Republicans are now supporting Trump over Clinton by an 86 percent to 6 percent margin, which is up from 72 percent to 13 percent a month ago, suggesting that GOP voters are now firmly behind their presumptive nominee.
The Democratic race, on the other hand, is facing its own internal struggle as many Sanders supporters have openly refused voting for Clinton in case she becomes the Democratic candidate.
Sanders doesn’t want help from super-PACs if he faces Trump
— The Hill (@thehill) May 29, 2016
According to NBC News , Democrats are backing Clinton by an 83 percent to 9 percent clip, just 66 percent of Democratic primary voters preferring Sanders support Clinton in a matchup against Trump (compared with 88 percent of Clinton primary voters who favor Sanders in a hypothetical general-election contest).
These numbers suggest that Clinton still has a huge job to do in winning over Sanders’ voters once the Democratic primary contest concludes.
Both Clinton and Trump are viewed negatively by Americans. 54 percent of Americans have a negative opinion of Clinton, while only 34 percent thought good of her. Trump is seen even worse by the public, as he is viewed as a positive influence by only 29 percent of Americans.
“This has never been matched, or even close to being matched,” Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff, says of these negative ratings for Trump and Clinton.
Bernie is by far the most positive candidate in the eyes of public. 43 percent have a positive view of Sanders, while only 36 percent have a negative view. The DNC’s situation, though, is a far cry from a general public opinion. Clinton’s rating among Democratic voters supporting Sanders is 38 percent positive, 41 percent negative, while Sanders’ rating among Clinton supporters is 54 percent positive, 23 percent negative.
[Photo by Justin Sullivan/Gettyimages]