When Trump Criticized Kamala Harris as Being 'Extraordinarily Nasty' For Questioning Brett Kavanaugh

When Trump Criticized Kamala Harris as Being 'Extraordinarily Nasty' For Questioning Brett Kavanaugh
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson; (Inset) Photo by Brandon Bell

When Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his vice presidential pick in 2020, then-President Donald Trump was quick to attack her. He deemed Harris 'nasty' and 'horrible' within minutes of the announcement. The Republican leader argued Harris was 'extraordinarily nasty' to Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings. He claimed she was 'disrespectful' and "probably nastier than even Pocahontas" to Biden during the Democratic debates. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Kenny Holston-Pool
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Kenny Holston-Pool

"She was nasty to a level that was just a horrible thing," Trump told reporters. He added, "The way she treated now Justice Kavanaugh, and I won't forget that soon." Trump's campaign also released an ad calling Harris 'phony' and part of the 'radical Left'. It read, "Voters rejected Harris. They smartly spotted a phony. But not Joe Biden. He's not that smart." Harris gained attention for her tough questioning of Kavanaugh in 2018. She asked him if he had discussed the Mueller investigation with anyone at a law firm run by Trump's lawyer. When Kavanaugh didn't give a clear answer, Harris asserted, "I think you're thinking of someone and you don't want to tell us," as per ABC News.



She also pressed Kavanaugh on abortion rights, asking, "Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?" Kavanaugh struggled to respond. In 2019, Harris also grilled Attorney General, William Barr, about the Mueller report. She asked if anyone at the White House had ever suggested he open an investigation. When Barr hesitated, Harris said sharply, "It seems you'd remember something like that and be able to tell us."



As per CBS News, in light of the same, Trump shared that he was surprised when Biden picked her. He tried to paint Harris as extremely liberal, calling her "the most liberal person in the U.S. Senate," as per VOA News. However, Harris is generally seen as more moderate than some other Democrats. His harsh words about Harris mirrored how he talked about Hillary Clinton back in 2016 when he called her 'nasty' during a debate. Trump has made a name for throwing insults at women in politics, especially women of color, as per CNN. Some saw Trump's comments as sexist and racist. 



Donna Brazile, former Democratic National Committee chair, said Biden's choice of Harris at the time, showed the growing political influence of voters of color in the U.S. However, not everyone was enthusiastic about Harris. Some progressives criticized her record as California's attorney general. Lindsey Roland, a Black voter in Michigan, argued, "I still think she was empowered to stand up more for minorities, and I think it was just a really missed opportunity." However, criminal justice reform advocate, Rashad Robinson, believed Harris had evolved. He said, "She's been willing to listen and willing to evolve, and she's been willing to put legislation behind that evolution."

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