Before his divorce from his first wife, Marcia, was finalized, comedian Steve Harvey dated Mary Shackelford. The two got married in 1996 but nine years down the lane, they called it quits citing ‘irreconcilable differences’. The couple went through a messy divorce and years later Shackelford posted a set of scathing YouTube videos against her ex-husband. As per People , in the now-deleted viral videos, she accused him of being a cheater and leaving her homeless. “He turned my son against me, had me evicted from our house,” she claimed. “I woke up, and everything was gone.”
Shackelford alleged that Harvey was seeing his potential third wife, Marjorie Bridges, while they were still married. She also claimed that he blamed her for his dismal career. “In Steve’s opinion, I was responsible when Oprah did not give him a TV show,” she said. “I’m being sued for that. That is why I’m saying what I have to say.” Shackelford also revealed that it was hard for her to move on because of the media attention.
“To keep seeing my name referenced when talking about his life – that part of it, I don’t understand,” she shared. However, Harvey’s attorney, Bobbie Edmonds, refuted her claims in an official statement. “We are appalled and aware of the videos and other fabricated documents…which contained false, misleading, derogatory, disparaging, malicious, explicit, and slanderous information about Mr. Harvey, his current wife, and others.”
“The ex-wife is fully aware of the court’s current orders and permanent injunctions which prohibit either party, their lawyers or representatives from discussing and releasing information on the Internet and to the media. We are taking the necessary legal steps to rectify this matter to the full extent of the law and we will be seeking contempt and sanctions against her for such reprehensible and callous disregard for the court orders,” the statement read. “We are saddened that the ex-wife has resorted to such devious and selfish behavior, with a reckless disregard for their minor son, her adult son, and Mr. Harvey’s other children,” it concluded.
From his second marriage to Mary Shackelford, Harvey has a son named Wynton. The couple divorced in November 2005.
— Felisa Paul (@FelisaPaul) July 5, 2024
Shackelford was later found guilty of violating a gag order and was sentenced to 30 days in prison by a judge, according to Fox 4News . “I didn’t violate any court orders,” she said. “This is about ‘You’re not supposed to be talking to anybody about your divorce.’ That’s what they’re saying. I’m like, this is America.” She added, “Am I angry? Yes…I missed six years of my son’s life and I can’t get those years back…I’m just a mother who wants to have access to my son without interference…I’m tired of getting pulled down to McKinney courthouse every time I say ‘Boo.’ I’m not going to be silenced.”