Selena Gomez Once Called Justin Bieber While He Was Interviewing, He Pretended That It Was His Mom

Selena Gomez Once Called Justin Bieber While He Was Interviewing, He Pretended That It Was His Mom
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Jason Merritt

Although the two are now happy in other relationships, there was a time when Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber were madly in love with each other. From 2010 to 2018, Bieber and Gomez had been in an on-and-off relationship, enduring many hardships and several breakups. However, no matter what, they always found their way back to each other.

In a recently resurfaced video that went viral on YouTube, Justin Bieber was being interviewed by a radio channel when an unexpected interruption occurred. Bieber pulled out his phone, noticing a name on the screen, and introduced the person on the call as his mom. When asked to put the call on speaker, he eagerly complied, inviting his mom to greet everybody at the radio station. "Hey Mom, we're on at the radio station, say hi to everybody," he is heard saying.


As the call connected, a familiar laugh could be heard, sounding very familiar to his then-girlfriend, Selena Gomez. The suspicious voice, presumably Gomez', continued, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I miss you, Justin." In response, Bieber affectionately replied, "I miss you too, Mom."

The interviewer, sensing something fishy, pointed out that the voice sounded way too young to be of Bieber's mother's. Bieber thought on his feet and quickly responded to the interviewer that his mom had given birth to him when she was really young, probably only 18, implying that her youthful voice was a result of early parenthood.


Gomez skillfully played along, further confirming the fabricated story. Recognizing the awkwardness of the situation, the interviewer lightened the mood, saying, "Let him have his private conversation with his mom," while teasing Bieber playfully. This lighthearted comment helped diffuse any tension and allowed the interview to continue on a more relaxed note.

While reflecting on his relationship with Gomez for Complex's September 2015 cover story, Bieber described it as a "marriage kind of thing." He shared, "We were so in love. Nothing else mattered," elaborating on the pair's early relationship. "We were all about each other. But when it's like that and you get your value from that, people will always disappoint you," he noted.


He continued by saying that, looking back, the connection progressed more quickly than he was prepared for at the time, but he didn't regret it in the least. "I learned a lot. I moved in with my girlfriend [Gomez] when I was 18. Started my own life with her. It was a marriage kind of thing. Living with a girl, it was just too much at that age," he explained. 

Gomez and Bieber officially called it quits in 2018. Bieber is now married to model Hailey Baldwin, whereas Gomez has been linked to various famous personalities, like The Weeknd and Charlie Puth.

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