When Ghislaine Maxwell’s Lawyers Dragged in NJ Judge's Murdered Son's Name in Their Bail Bid

When Ghislaine Maxwell’s Lawyers Dragged in NJ Judge's Murdered Son's Name in Their Bail Bid
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mathieu Polak

Ghislaine Maxwell, wife of the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's legal representative once mentioned the murder of the jury's son in an attempt to keep her bail bid a secret. The bizarre incident took place back in 2020 when the Judge, Esther Salas' son Dan Anderl was mentioned as per the infamous unsealed Epstein files. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Shawn Ehlers
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Shawn Ehlers


According to the NY Post, Maxwell’s lawyer Christian Everdell in the November 30 federal filing wrote, "Given the sensitive subject matter of this case, the sureties have legitimate fears for their safety if they are publicly identified. As we have all been recently reminded by the tragic case of the death of Judge Esther Salas’s son, some people are capable of committing horrible acts of violence — even against innocent third parties — by convincing themselves that their actions are justified." The filing said, "Many of the people who want to support Ms. Maxwell’s renewed bail application are older and do not have the financial means to hire a personal security detail to protect themselves." Maxwell was facing serious charges of sex trafficking in her husband's pedophile ring. 



Previously, a bail request of $5 million in July was denied as she was potentially planning to fly away and defy the court summons. Epstein had committed suicide back in 2019 in his Metropolitan Correction cell after his infamous conviction. The Epstein files on the other hand dropped several celebrities and big names which were widely covered by the tabloids and media. Maxwell was also accused of bringing teens as young as 14 for her husband to be trained for prospects of his pedo-sex trafficking. A victim testified to the court how Maxwell was generally present in the rooms where Epstein trained the girls for a massage under the pretext of touching them inappropriately. She was there "to make it all feel normal and casual," Carolyn, who went by her first name, a victim of the trafficking testified to the court according to BBC



The accused woman on the other hand was suffering from the fear of following the footsteps of her deceased husband. Hence, the legal team asked for bail under the pretext of avoiding suicide during the arrest. Maxwell complained about security guards flashing lights on her every 15 minutes to ensure she was alive and sane. The issue also impacted her REM cycle as reported by the legal team of Maxwell. 



According to the New York Times, Anderl, the judge's son was shot three times at his residence. Salas' husband also faced critical injury when the shooter targeted to kill the judge. In a video, she said, "Two weeks ago, my life as I knew it changed in an instant, and my family will never be the same. A madman, who I believe was targeting me because of my position as a federal judge, came to my house." Mentioning the deceased son of the judge to seek legal aid was considered a very insensitive step by several after the November files were released. 

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