Arnold Schwarzenegger, an inspiration for many, continues to promote fitness and motivate his dedicated followers through his newsletter called “Arnold’s Pump Club.” Despite his successful endeavors, Schwarzenegger candidly shared a personal anecdote about a teaching failure during his attempt to instruct cigar-smoking classes.
During a 2015 interview on Jimmy Fallon’s popular show, bodybuilding icon Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a memorable incident involving a costly $100 cigar, which ended up being ruined. The Austrian Oak is not just famous for his iconic phrases in movies but also for his big Cuban cigars. So Jimmy Fallon wanted to learn cigar-smoking style from the bodybuilding legend but failed his master in the process, as per Essentially Sports .
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Arnold Schwarzenegger recounted the moment when he took on the role of teaching Jimmy Fallon about the art of cigar smoking. The renowned Terminator star humorously mentioned that he had handed Fallon a magnificent Cuban cigar, emphasizing its beauty. According to Schwarzenegger, the cigar held a price tag of $100. Amusingly, he imitated Fallon’s actions of licking the cigar and expressed his surprise, pondering why his student was engaging in such unexpected behavior. Fallon responded by sharing that he had come across the notion that licking the cigar helps moisten the burn, leading to slower and more controlled combustion. In response, the former governor of California offered his reply: “There are two things I told you not to do. Don’t cough because that makes you look like an amateur and then don’t lick, I said just cut the cigar put it in your mouth, and be cool.”
Despite Schwarzenegger’s attempt to teach Fallon the art of cigar smoking, the outcome took an unexpected turn. Fallon hilariously licked the $100 cigar. Pulling a joke on Fallon, Schwarzenegger said he felt like a “failure” as a teacher. However, it should be noted that Schwarzenegger has become a seasoned master of cigar smoking over the years, with credit due to his ex-father-in-law, Sargent Shriver, who introduced him to the world of Cuban cigars.
During their conversation, Schwarzenegger demonstrated the proper way to smoke a cigar, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a cool demeanor. According to him, one should hold the cigar in their mouth, light it up, and take a moment to appreciate their surroundings.