Jared Kushner’s Father Allegedly ‘Planned for Son to Date Someone Prominent', Report Claims

Jared Kushner’s Father Allegedly ‘Planned for Son to Date Someone Prominent', Report Claims
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chris Hondros(L), Larry Busacca(R)

The story of Jared Kushner’s ascent to power within the Trump administration is not without its twists and controversies. A report has shed light on a strategic plan allegedly orchestrated by his father, Charles Kushner, to amplify Jared’s status by having him date someone prominent. Jared and his wife Ivanka Trump occupy a prominent position as a senior adviser to President Donald Trump.

Their influence extends not only within the White House but also in global affairs, specifically in initiatives like the Middle East peace plan unraveled by Jared himself.


However, the origins of Jared’s influential role can be traced back to his father, Charles, a real estate developer whose life took a dramatic turn in the early 2000s. Charles faced serious legal troubles related to financial misconduct, including falsifying accounts and making illegal payments to politicians. These actions led to his conviction on several charges, including tax evasion and witness tampering.

One of the most notorious incidents involved Charles instrumenting a sex tape with a prostitute to retaliate against his sister Esther’s husband, who was cooperating with federal authorities. Despite his legal troubles and imprisonment, Charles never lost the love and loyalty of his son, Jared, who stood by his father’s side throughout the ordeal.

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After Charles’ release from prison, he embarked on a journey to revamp his image and regain his respect and power in society. As per the investigative journalist Vicky Ward's book Kushner Inc., Charles received assistance from lawyer and public relations expert Howard Rubenstein in this mastermind plan.

As per Express, the book revealed, “It soon became widely repeated that Charles wanted to implement a grand rehabilitation plan suggested to him by the guru of New York real estate public relations, Howard Rubenstein. It was audacious but brilliant. First, buy a trophy asset in Manhattan and gift his center of operations from New Jersey to New York. Second, buy a newspaper or publication, ostensibly owned by Jared. Third, have Jared date someone prominent.”

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Jeff Kravitz
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Jeff Kravitz

On another note, the spotlight on Charles’ pardon by Trump reignited discussions about the family’s controversial history and the lengths they went to to regain power and influence. Critics have highlighted the severity of Charles’ crimes, including tax evasion, witness tampering, and illegal campaign donations.

As per the reports of HuffPost, during an interview, Chris Christie said, "It's one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes that I prosecuted...and I was the U.S. attorney in New Jersey." Another critic wrote, “Charles Kushner served 14 months in prison and has since become a big donor to outgoing President Trump. And obviously, his son Jared is the president’s son-in-law.”

A third added, “Kushner paid a prostitute $10,000 to lure his brother-in-law to a motel room ... to have sex with him. A hidden camera recorded the activity, and Kushner sent the lurid tape to his sister, making sure the tape arrived on the day of a family party.”

Editor's note: This article was originally published on March 26, 2024. It has since been updated.

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