Celebrity Encounter Stories to Blow Your Mind-From Best to Worst

It’s not every day that fans get to meet their favorite celebrities they wholeheartedly admire on screen. And when they finally have an encounter, it’s bound to be full of sparks and surprising revelations. That’s why a Reddit user, u/BEEPY_BO1 , asked the Reddit community, “Who is the kindest or rudest celebrity you’ve met IRL?” The answers that followed blew our minds. The thread was filled with an avalanche of stories where Reddit users detailed their good and bad experiences meeting celebrities.
1. Beyonce
A Reddit user wrote, “Kindest was Beyoncé this was almost 20 years ago now. I had no clue it was her, we meet at a hotel spa/pool we talked for several hours about family (I had the kids with me), random cool places to go in the city, just talking.” Then when I was leaving I was like “oh, I am X. It was great talking to you! What’s your name?” The fan explained people stared at her in surprise. u/[deleted]
2. Rihanna
A Reddit fan detailed, “A friend of mine works as a professional bodyguard, and when Rhianna came to town, he was tasked with watching her.” According to this fan, “Rihanna Allegedly threw stuff as the stagehands, spoke shit about her dress/makeup people in front of them.” Another encounter echoed the same sentiments for the Umbrella singer, “She is an utter douche bag, and She flung the plates and cutlery inside the plane and threw a massive fit mid-air,” the fan said. u/Great-Hornet6968
3. Ian McKellen
This Reddit fan detailed a heartfelt encounter with Sir Ian McKellen. “Went to a book signing with Ian McKellen signing a LOTR art book when the first movie came out, his scheduled time was over, but he stayed for, like, an hour overtime to sign for everyone in line. He essentially did an 80-show tour at 80 years old purely to support British theatre. And it was a great performance! The man is a legend,” praised the fan. u/ 2Chazzey_dude
4. Kris Jenner
This particular fan had a bad experience with the Kardashians “Momager.” The Reddit user detailed, “The worst by far is Kris Jenner, she will literally wait until the paparazzi arrives before she gets out of her vehicle and we don’t have this issue with anyone else. I’m fairly certain she calls them herself. Doesn’t even acknowledge anyone, is super needy and difficult to work with.” Well, once she was slammed for her impolite behavior towards her driver, reported by Metro. u/ibpocket
5. Pink
“Pink was one of the nicest people ever. She turned up at a show I used to work for, and invited me and the host to sit at her table with her and her assistant,” revealed one Reddit user. “She refused to let me pay for anything the whole night, and treated me like her best friend from school for 3 hours.” The fan talked about being oblivious, “she [Pink] introduced herself as Alecia from Philly, and I believed her.” u/rickthecabbie
6. Ben Affleck
Affleck is among the kindest as described by this fan. “I used to work at a resort hotel in Daytona Beach. Kindest celeb was Ben Affleck, who was there for an event and just wanted to get away from the crowd for a few. Ended up smoking a cig in the employee smoking area and was super nice to the staff that were out there on break.” However, on this fan’s list, “Worst was Sheryl Crow,” the Strong Enough singer. u/Wild_Alaskan
7. Mark Zuckerberg
This fan detailed their encounter with the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, “I’ve met Mark Zuckerberg when I was like 13 at a climbing gym (he likes rock climbing surprisingly). I got to spot him while he was doing a route, and holding a billionaire on a rope is rather insane. When he was leaving, i asked for his autograph (natural thing to do I suppose), but he said he didn’t have one. He was quite deadpan, but still polite.” u/Assignment-Yeet
8. Post Malone
This fan had a memorable meeting with Post Malone, “I went to his show and when it ended he jumped down the stage and signed stuff, took pictures and chatted with everyone who was in the first lines, and you could really feel he listens and care about what fans say to him, giving proper replies, hugging people, reacting so well.” The Reddit user praised, “you can really feel that he’s not just taking pictures/talking with people because of duty.” u/robbfrenki
9. Robin Williams
This fan recalled their meeting with Robin Williams, “Robin Williams used to be a regular at a restaurant my grandma worked at and one of her sisters owned. As kids my sisters and I got to meet him, and he was definitely a very sweet man.” A second user echoed, “Robin Williams was filming something nearby and randomly came into my mom’s humble little Polish-speaking travel agency and sat down for a half hour making everyone in the room laugh.” u/DrPremium