The new CBS summer TV show Salvation returns tonight with its third episode “Truth of Darius. The show focuses on MIT student Liam Cole (played by Charlie Rowe) who discovers an asteroid is on track for the earth. Cole joins forces with the U.S. government and a tech billionaire in order to save the world. Salvation currently has a 6.8 IMDB rating and is well-liked on various social media networks. Those who missed the first two episodes may watch them online. Check local listings for the time and channel for tonight’s Salvation episode.
CBS announced in a press release that Amazon Prime would be the sole provider for the Salvation series. Prime members can stream the show free and watch the full season on demand as it airs. You can also watch full episodes online at CBS . Those who want to watch the full season online will need to be a CBS All Access member or watch via Amazon or your local cable or satellite provider.
It’s too early to tell how Salvation will hold up on the ratings and whether a second season will be ordered. A 6.8 IMDB rating isn’t the best indicator either. We’ll continue to watch the public’s response as well as the show’s ratings to see if it looks like CBS will keep the suspenseful thriller and order another season. The Salvation pilot received a 7.6 IMDB rating and Episode 2, “Another Trip Around the Sun,” currently has an IMDB rating of 7.5. With these numbers, it’s simply too close to call.
CBS is certainly promoting the freshman series and you’ll find plenty of interviews, commentary, behind-the-scenes footage, and more on the official Salvation Twitter feed , and Salvation CBS on Facebook . While reception has been favorable, the social media accounts are still in the growing stage. The official Twitter account has a little more than 1,000 followers.
Have you watched Salvation yet? What did you think of the first two episodes? Are you watching online and on demand through the CBS website or on Amazon Prime? Will you watch the show tonight on television? Feel free to leave your thoughts about Salvation in the comment section below.
. @Jennigan is finding #Salvation this summer! Tune-in to the new suspense thriller Wednesdays at 9/8c on #CBS .
— CBS Studios (@CBSTVStudios) July 26, 2017
#Salvation Video Q&A: Can Liam’s Sweet Romance Survive a Killer Asteroid? Plus: Brutal Beating Ahead!
— (@TVLine) July 26, 2017
Can anyone be trusted? New episode of #Salvation tonight 9/8c on CBS. You don’t wanna miss it. @SalvationCBS
— Ian Anthony Dale (@IanAnthonyDale) July 26, 2017
[Featured Image by Elzloy/Shutterstock]