Bernie Sanders heads east to the South Bronx Thursday for a rally that will feature a special guest appearance by one of Sanders most prominent celebrity supporters , actress Rosario Dawson, who currently stars in the hit Netflix superhero series Daredevil .
Scroll down the page to see a full replay of the Bernie Sanders South Bronx rally.
The rally will be the first of many by Bernie Sanders as he stages what his campaign says will be an all-out effort to win the state of New York out from under Hillary Clinton, who served as a United States Senator from the Empire State for eight years, from 2001 until 2009, when she was appointed U.S. Secretary of State by then-new President Barack Obama.

The Sanders campaign says that they are so determined to defeat Clinton on her home turf in the state with the second-highest delegate total, which hold its primary on April 19, that Sanders will run his campaign in New York state as if he is running for governor — visiting even the far corners of New York.
“We’ll be the underdog, but being the underdog in New York is not the worst situation in politics,” said Tad Devine, top strategist for the Bernie Sanders campaign on Sunday. “We’re going to make a real run for it.”
That could be a very long run indeed, however. While a statewide poll has not been released in New York since March 16, that poll conducted by the Emerson College Polling Society, showed Hillary Clinton leading Bernie Sanders by an astounding 48 percentage points.
But Sanders is riding a wave of momentum after sweeping three western states last Saturday, and heading into next Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary, he has pulled ahead of Clinton by four points in a Marquette University Law School poll in that state released on Wednesday.
Sanders explained how he hopes to win Wisconsin and eventually the nomination in an hour-long interview Wednesday with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. Watch that entire interview in the following video.
Incredibly, Bernie Sanders’ rally at St. Mary’s Park in the South Bronx will be the first time that a presidential candidate has made a stop in the Bronx — New York’s northern borough and the only one of the five boroughs that does not sit on an island — since Robert F. Kennedy came there in 1968.
Watch a full replay the Bernie Sanders Rally at St. Mary’s Park in the South Bronx, New York City, starting at 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, in the video below.
While Sanders is planning an all out attack on Hillary Clinton’s home turf, the harsh reality remains that he needs not only to overcome what the FiveThirtyEight polling average sees as a 43 percentage point deficit in less than three weeks, he will need to turn those numbers around into a big, double-digit win in order to make a significant dent in Clinton’s lead, estimated at 228 delegates.
He will also need a double-digit victory in Wisconsin.
“Since the Democrats in the state allocate delegates in proportion to the votes they get, a narrow win wouldn’t do much to help Sanders catch up to Clinton’s delegate count — there’s not that much difference between getting 48 percent of the 96 Wisconsin delegates (48 delegates) and 52 percent (50 delegates),” wrote Huffington Post polling editor Natalie Jackson on Wednesday. “He would need a more definitive win to close the gap with Clinton.”
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But Bernie Sanders will start that effort to score a big victory in New York on Thursday in the South Bronx. After that, he heads back to Wisconsin, where he is reportedly outspending Hillary Clinton six to one and where he will hold two more rallies on Friday and another Sunday.
[Featured Photo By Darren Hauck / Getty Images]