A&E Network is preparing to unleash its latest reality show Wahlburgers on the masses. The TV series centers around a burger joint started by Mark, Donnie and Paul Wahlberg.
The show gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at the family’s restaurant business. The series also brings Donnie and Mark Wahlberg back to the old neighborhood as they help their brother with the eatery. In addition to the boys, the show also focuses on their mother Alma.
According to Coming Soon , Wahlburgers follows Paul as he deals with kitchen-related drama and an upcoming expansion. The A&E series also focuses on the brothers’ personal relationship with their mother as they compete for her attention. Despite all of their success, the guys are still mother’s boys at heart.
A&E Network’s David McKillop explained:
“We’re thrilled to partner with the entire Wahlberg family as they graciously lift the curtain to share this new side of their storyThis series offers viewers a new take on the celebrity reality series showcasing one of America’s favorite families.”
The Inquisitr previously reported that Donnie, Mark, and Paul Wahlberg opened the burger joint Wahlburgers in Hingham, Massachusetts back in 2011. Although his brothers ventured into the world of entertainment, Paul embarked on a career and a restaurateur. He previously opened an eatery called Alma Nove in honor of his mother.
Us Weekly explained:
“With Paul wearing the chef hat, the grand opening was a family affair as the brothers’ invited mom Alma Elaine to join them on the red carpet. The restaurant’s menu offers hamburgers with Paul’s secret sauce, white bean and prosciutto soup, and Italian cold cut sandwiches (among other items).”
According to the Los Angeles Times , Wahlburgers features a number of dishes from the brothers’ childhood. Included among the menu items are Donnie’s “The BBQ Bacon Burger” and Mark’s “The Thanksgiving Burger.” Some of their signature beverages include the “Funky Monkey” and “Fluffanuttahh.”
The publication reported earlier this year that Wahlburgs is expanding into Canada. The brothers are also reportedly looking into locations in and around Boston. A new restaurant recently opened at Toronto’s SoHo Metropolitan Hotel. It looks like business is certainly booming for the Wahlberg kids.
When they’re not helping their brother with his restaurant, Donnie and Mark Wahlberg are staying busy with their own endeavors. Donnie recently toured with his boy band New Kids on the Block while Mark filmed the movies Transformers 4 and Lone Survivor .
Are you looking forward to A&E’s reality series Wahlburgers ?
[Image via Wahlburgers / Facebook ]