While Valeria Lukyanova, also known as the Human Barbie, may not garner typical film critic responses such as “Stunning”, “Breathtaking”, or “Exquisitely Nuanced”, with her latest film effort, this reviewer will say it’s quite worthwhile, exciting, and for the real committed Valeria Lukyanova/Human Barbie fans , perhaps even exhilarating.
The highly unique, and one-of-a-kind, Human Barbie, whose human name, Valeria Lukyanova, has become more familiar in recent months , has posted a new video of herself – see below – that truly is noteworthy, and every bit as interesting as a new UFO, Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster video might be.
Thumping to the beat of some elctro-pop that they play pretty much everywhere these days, Valeria pouts in a bikini on the beach, jogs, enjoys a sunset, and shows off her Barbie Figure in a full length mirror.
Other welcome activities Lukyanova might include in future productions, if I may suggest, might be jumping rope, rock climbing, or even gardening. Hopefully such ideas might already be in the works for upcoming Valeria Lukyanova films.
The video is shot in a Cinema Verite style, with sweeping pans of the coastal landscape, hand held motion sequences seemingly meant to reflect Valeria Lukyanova’s point of view, and a tight, repetitive, editing style that strives to engage the viewer throughout the four-minute plus motion picture.
Lukyanova also unleashes some surprises. For instance, who knew Barbie sported a nose ring on occasion? She also seems to sing a little bit and sometimes wears a decorative piece of jewelry on her forehead. Hopefully she doesn’t ever get those weird ear discs that completely stretch out and defile one’s earlobes. With all the work Valeria has had done on her, I would be surprised if she spoiled it all with those.
Also, while Valeria has in the past focused pretty much exclusively on presenting herself as the Human Barbie, more recently she has been showcasing the real Valeria Lukyanova, sans makeup. In this video, Lukyanova is, again, more just herself, and not the full blown, kind off eerie, Human Barbie.
Anyway, sit back, relax, and enjoy, as Valeria Lukyanova takes you on a journey through her world:
See? Wasn’t that pretty interesting?
However, for Valeria Lukyanova, like the Bundy Ranch guy , sometimes it’s better to just be seen and not heard, allowing your supporters to support, and not run away when you make some embarrassing and/or offensive assertion in an interview.
For Valeria, it was a recent interview in GQ :
“Ethnicities are mixing now, so there’s degeneration, and it didn’t used to be like that,” she told GQ with regard to women and beauty today. “Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this.”
Ah, yeah. Regardless, while she probably should avoid interviews, Valeria Lukyanova remains a fascinating individual.
Images via Facebook and Google