A UMass student was arrested at gunpoint after dressing like the graphic novel character Rorshach from Watchmen .
You’ve heard of the graphic novel Watchmen or its critically acclaimed film. If you haven’t, there is a character who dresses up in a dark trench coat, scarf, gloves, and fedora, and wears a peculiar mask that changes patterns based on how he’s feeling. His name is Rorshach.
Apparently a student at the University of Massachusetts felt the need to dress up in the same outfit and make obscene gestures toward other students last Tuesday.
The student’s real name is Hejian Liu, 20, and after showing up on campus and disturbing others, several phone calls were made a little after 3pm to the police. He had come from the Campus Center area and had been heading to the W.E.B. Du Bois Library when police arrived.
Eventually the police wrestled Hejian Liu to the ground and drew their firearms on him. The UMass student was arrested at gunpoint and charged with disturbing the peace. The school itself hasn’t yet decided what to do with the student in regards to disciplinary action.
Deputy Police Chief Patrick Archbald told the Daily Hampshire Gazette :
“He was acting very odd and drew the attention of others. He concerned a number of people as he walked around. … Officers engaged him, but he ignored orders to stop.”
It is said that Hejian Liu was trying to get kicked out of school when he dressed up as the graphic novel character and began harassing fellow students. It appears that the UMass student had been acting in complete sobriety, even if his intention may have been entirely for naught. If the University of Massachusetts decides not to kick him out for his behavior dressed as Rorshach from Watchmen , it may be that he’ll try more drastic measures next time.
Do you think the UMass student arrested at gunpoint might try again if the school doesn’t kick him out like he wanted?
[image via newenglandmagazine]