On Thursday Twitter launched a new video sharing service, Vine, that allows user to upload six second videos to social media website.
Twitter acquired the video sharing start-up last fall and the application is currently only available for for iPhone and iPod touch users. The company plans to make it available on other mobile platforms soon.
According to NPR , the Vine service works separately from Twitter and embeds your videos into your tweets. You can sign up for Vine by logging in with your Twitter account.
To shoot a video with Vine, you open the application on your mobile device and touch your thumb to the screen to begin filming. Hold your thumb down for as long as your want your video without exceeding six seconds.
As with any new app , Vine users are finding a few flaws. The New York Times reports that some users have been signed into someone else’s Twitter account after logging into Vine. They are then able to see a random person’s private details.
Twitter has not yet responded to these complaints. The company has temporarily shut down sharing services with Facebook and itself though.
Vine is not the only video service available for Twitter. Tout is another service that allows users to make 15-seconds videos and is used by both Shaquille O’Neal and the Wall Street Journal.
To learn more about Twitter’s new video sharing service check out Vine’s official blog .
What do you think? Is there another video sharing service you already use for Twitter? Are you going to give Vine a try?
[image via ShutterStock ]