In the wake of the resignation of former Tucker Carlson writer Blake Neff , who was exposed for his apparently racist, sexist, and bigoted online messages, nonprofit journalism school and research organization Poynter claimed that the Fox News host’s credibility is “on the line.”
“You wonder if Carlson knows or even cares just how crucial tonight’s show is for him,” the organization wrote in a Monday report. “Anything short of a full-throated condemnation and show of disgust toward Neff and everything he wrote will forever taint Carlson. In addition, Carlson needs to convince audiences that the words he speaks tonight truly reflect his own feelings.”
Neff’s posts included many uses of the N-word, as well as attacks on George Floyd and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , Ilhan Omar , Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib — also known as “The Squad.”
“It’s doubtful many minds will be changed regardless of what Carlson says,” the Poynter report read.
“But any credibility he does have is on the line with tonight’s show. If he doesn’t completely distance himself from Neff and confirm that he had no idea about Neff’s secret online double life, how can Fox News possibly keep him on the air?”
The report noted Carlson’s outspoken views on race, society, and the recent Black Lives Matter protests, as well as the loss of advertisers he has experienced as a result of his controversial statements.
As reported by NBC News , Carlson is expected to address Neff’s comments and resignation on his Monday program. In response to the unearthing of the comments, Fox News condemned the remarks and said the writer’s departure was a direct result of his behavior.
Per The Independent , Carlson praised Neff in 2018, calling him a “wonderful writer.” The Fox News host also revealed in a book that Neff helped him with research.
In a piece published in Dartmouth Alumni Magazine , Neff spoke of his contribution to Carlson’s top-rated show.
“Anything he’s reading off the teleprompter, the first draft was written by me,” he said.
Before working on Carlson’s show, Neff wrote for right-wing news outlet The Daily Caller , which the host helped found in 2010.
Carlson is no stranger to controversy. As The Inquisitr reported, he previously received praise from members of the white supremacist and neo-Nazi organization Identity Evropa. The recognition allegedly came from a Discord server, and the messages in question reportedly covered the process of rebranding white nationalism for a mainstream audience, touting the host as a crucial figure in the procedure.