Trump's Team Attacks VP With Failed ‘Kamalaflation’ Taunt, the Internet Calls It 'Desperate'

Trump's Team Attacks VP With Failed ‘Kamalaflation’ Taunt, the Internet Calls It 'Desperate'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photos By Montinique Monroe; (inset) Mark Makela

In light of President Joe Biden’s unexpected withdrawal from the 2024 election race, ex-president Donald Trump and his administration have intensified attacks on Kamala Harris, even as Democratic strategists were expecting that Harris would not be held accountable for the inflation rise that tarnished Biden’s image. Recently, Trump’s campaign shared a news article on social media directed at Harris. It was titled, "Kamalaflation: How Harris Caused Inflation By Casting Decisive Votes For Biden's Economic Agenda," as reported by Raw Story.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Brandon Bell
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Brandon Bell

However, internet users criticized the Trump campaign as one user said, "Oh no babydoll. That's not how inflation happened. That finger you point leads right back to Trump. Inflation is a lagging indicator. Biden inherited the shit from Trump's failed economic policies. Own your crap." Another X user commented, "This is a LIE. Anyone with a brain knows what caused inflation. Here's a hint: All roads lead to Covid 19. Trump and his incompetence in handling Covid caused inflation. By the time we noticed, trump was fired and Biden was in. Inflation is NOT the fault of Biden or Harris."


A third person listed the accomplishments of Biden and Harris' administration and said, "The task of a President and his Vice President in a Democracy is to make life better for his people, and that is exactly what Biden and Harris have done. Biden and Harris make government work for ordinary folks." The same person added, "Joe Biden was not the cause of inflation. The causes of today’s inflation are Covid, deglobalization and consequent supply chain disruptions, Putin’s war, and a shortage of qualified workers. Three consecutive Democratic Presidents have lowered the deficit. Three consecutive Republican Presidents have raised it, none more than Trump."


Speaking about Trump's performance in office, another person said, "Everything about the Trump Presidency was a failure! He started with Obama’s great economy and he tanked it, crashed the job market, killed Texas’ small refineries, grew the deficit $8 trillion, his trade wars taxes (tariffs) raised the prices of everything, farmers lost markets." A fifth person commented, "Trump war Room is starting to sound desperate." Readers pointed out that the inflation attack was very similar to the ones Trump made against Biden, which are false.


According to the article shared by Trump's campaign, Americans are facing inflation on essential household items due to the vote cast by Harris in 2021. Breitbart’s piece added that Republicans were united in their opposition to this vote, denouncing it as a significant driver of inflation.


Meanwhile, keeping all the critiques aside, Harris, in her first rally for the White House campaign, framed the upcoming election as a decision between a former prosecutor and a convicted felon, as reported by BBC. "Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear, and hate?" she asked. She added, "In this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week."

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