Trump’s 'Green Card for College Graduates' Proposal Sparks MAGA Backlash: 'Americans Come First'

Trump’s 'Green Card for College Graduates' Proposal Sparks MAGA Backlash: 'Americans Come First'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson

Former President Donald Trump has often been synonymous with stringent immigration policies, rallying his base with requests for tighter borders and strict enforcement. Yet, his latest proposal has thrown his most ardent supporters into a frenzy of outrage, revealing fractures within the MAGA movement over the future of immigration in the United States. In a shocking turn during his appearance on the All-In Podcast, Trump mapped out a plan that marks a prominent departure from his usual rhetoric. The proposal is straightforward but controversial: granting green cards to foreign students who graduate from American colleges and universities.


Former Prez Trump explained, "What I want to do, and what I will do, is — you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country... And that includes junior colleges, too." On the base level, this might seem like a pragmatic approach to retaining high-skilled talent in the U.S., aligning with the Republican emphasis on merit-based immigration. However, the reaction from Trump supporters has been anything but supportive. Many see it as a betrayal of the OG stance that has been a sign of his political identity.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle

Conservative commentator Ashley St. Clair was quick to slam the proposal, remarking, "Stapling green cards to college degrees is a bad idea from Trump. Why would we make citizenship contingent on graduation from captured institutions where kids are taught to not only hate America + the West but that there is a moral imperative to dismantle both? We need great talent to come here legally, but guaranteeing citizenship through completely captured institutions is not the way!" as reported by Newsweek.


Karoline Leavit, Trump’s national press secretary, clarified, "...the most aggressive vetting process in U.S. history, to exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public charges…He believes, only after such vetting has taken place, we ought to keep the most skilled graduates who can make significant contributions to America…This would only apply to the most thoroughly vetted college graduates who would never undercut American wages or workers."


As per Raw Story, Jack Posobiec (known for his far-right activism and conspiracy theories, resonated with Clair’s emotions. He suggested, "America has plenty of skilled workers who need better jobs; Americans come first.” Even Steve Bannon, Trump's former adviser and longtime ally, voiced his disapproval: “I have an alternative proposal. We cut in half the foreign students coming to this country, allow American kids in those schools, and on the back of their diplomas what we attach is an Exit Visa. American citizens first." Moreover, Charles J. Svestka (right-wing YouTuber) tweeted, "Trump is (hopefully) misleading us with the green card stuff, to deflate the issue. I can't see him actually going through with that proposal. If we the people wanted that, Tim Scott would be the Nominee."

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