Trump Reveals He Had No Idea His Town Hall Was a Town Hall: "Nobody Told Me That"

Trump Reveals He Had No Idea His Town Hall Was a Town Hall: "Nobody Told Me That"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle

Donald Trump recently disclosed a bizarre truth that left his supporters in a fix. After holding a town hall in Wisconsin with Tulsi Gabbard, the former President spilled the tea that he had no idea it was a town hall until the event started. During a one-on-one in LaCrosse with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel representative, the Republican frontrunner for the upcoming POTUS race shared his surreal experience. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Jeff J Mitchell
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Jeff J Mitchell


The businessman-turned-politician shared, "I figured I was going to come here and we’re going to make a speech. I have a speech all set for you. I was ready. And they said, 'Sir, you’re doing a town hall.' I said, 'Ohhhh, nobody told me that.'" Continuing further the ex-POTUS detailed, "I said, 'Who’s doing this?' They said, 'Tulsi.' I said, 'Well, that’s at least good news.' She’s been, I’ve been a fan of hers for a long time, I have to tell ya." Revealing he had no idea about the town hall event he said, "So, I didn’t even know. I’m in the plane, and looking over some material, and we’re going to give you a hell of a speech tonight." 



"We were set to give you one hell of a speech. They said, 'No, sir, it’s a town hall.' I said, 'Why doesn’t somebody tell me this stuff?' And I don’t even have any idea who we’re doing it for. Is it for a network or what? I see a lot of television all over the place, so maybe it’s on all of them," Trump added describing the unexpected experience amid his tightly-knit political campaign. Viewers of the interview expressed their shock and disbelief at Trump's statement.



YouTube user @nelsonwilbury9323 said, "I saw this live on local TV and thought..he is an idiot or a liar not knowing it was a town hall. Meanwhile, you can tell the questions were given to the people asking them." Viewer @shanehumphrey6047 said, "Lmaooooo. "We skipped socialism and went straight to communism!" Smiles Bro doesn't even know what the words mean Just buzzwords to rile up his cult, who also do not know the meaning of the words. And they eat it up. If this was like a reality TV show or a comedy special - man I'd love it. But this is f**king real." User @kevinkcz481 shared, "Turnup is smart as a rolling rock, and watch out for project 25 he knows nothing about lol." 



Recently, Gabbard endorsed Trump for the POTUS 2024 race. The National Guard veteran who served two tours of duty in the Middle East, said, that Trump "understands the grave responsibility that a president and commander in chief bears for every single one of our lives," as reported by Time. Praising the business tycoon for "having the courage to meet with adversaries, dictators, allies and partners alike in the pursuit of peace, seeing war as a last resort," she endorsed him for another tenure as the President. 

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