President Donald Trump announced on Friday that he was willing to override state governors in order to give the legal right to churches across the nation to open again.
Trump read a statement in which he identified houses of worship as “essential places that provide essential services.”
The president’s move comes in the face of churches being penalized for gathering in their sanctuaries, despite following national guidelines for capacity, such as the Maryland church that The Inquisitr previously reported on.
Trump went on to point out that some states have allowed what many consider to be less important places to remain open, while restraining houses of worship.
“Some governors have deemed liquor stores & abortion clinics essential, but have left out churches… it’s not right. So I am correcting this injustice & am calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow churches & places of worship to open right now.”
The president admonished any governor who took exception to his order to call the president’s office and speak with him about it. However he assured those in attendance that those who didn’t like the change “won’t be successful.”
“These are places that hold our people together and keep our country united.
“Many millions of Americans embrace worship as an essential part of life.
“The governor’s need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now.”
TRUMP: “Some governors have deemed liquor stores & abortion clinics essential, but have left out churches … it’s not right. So I am correcting this injustice & am calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow churches & places of worship to open right now”
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 22, 2020
The Hill reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would soon be issuing guidance for how churches can begin to meet again in a way considered to be safe and responsible.
The publication also reported that the executive branch does not have the right to override state governors, but that the Justice Department has been pressuring individual states to allow churches to gather freely once again.
Trump’s movement appears to be an indication to religious leaders that churches and other houses of worship have support on a federal level, especially from his administration.
An early draft of the CDC’s recommendation to churches included a limit to the number of those gathering and for attendees to maintain their distance and wear face coverings, according to The Hill .
Trump spoke out against some governors’ grip on assembly earlier in the week, as The Inquisitr reported. The president then pointed to Democratic governors, saying that churches aren’t being treated with respect in some states and promising that his administration wants to partner with states to protect the rights of churches to assemble.