Trump Once Declared His Love For The ‘Poorly Educated’ in His Victory Speech Earning Strong Backlash

Trump Once Declared His Love For The ‘Poorly Educated’ in His Victory Speech Earning Strong Backlash
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Bill Pugliano

Donald Trump has always been on the news for giving out the most bizarre statements. Among them was his weird victory speech which dates back to 2016. Back then when the former President emerged victorious in the Nevada caucuses he claimed to love the "poorly educated." To be clear, it was not a slip of the tongue either. 

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong

During his winning speech, the businessman-turned-politician said, "We won the evangelicals. We won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated — I love the poorly educated. We're the smartest people, we're the most loyal people," as reported by the Independent. Adding on, to share about his reasons to be happy he said, "Because I’ve been saying it for a long time. 46% were the Hispanics—46%, No. 1 one with Hispanics. I’m really happy about that. So I’m very proud of you, this is an amazing night. I love the country, I love the country. We’re going in the wrong direction. We’re going to keep—as you know Gitmo, we’re keeping that open, and we’re going to load it up with bad dudes." 


Though, the crowd cheered on him, netizens weren't comforted by the statement made by the Republican politician. User @Anonymo04174411 tweeted on X (formerly known as Twitter), "Isn’t that what every dictator in history."  loves? @jgestiot took a jab at Trump by writing, "It takes one poorly educated to know one." @Ernest7412 chided by asking, "And which politicians love you?" @MannyLopez60110 commented, "He insulted them and they still praise him. They love to be called poorly educated." While many others called out those trolling him for misinterpreting his words.


@gafr60 wrote, "So, I guess democrats hate the poorly educated. Figures." @papapotato108 on the other contradicted and wrote, "Yeah well you hate the poorly educated so what's your point?" @SpiritedWarrio1 wrote, "He loves many people! No elites and snobs, just everyday humble people is what he is saying." Another user @dorsey_not chimed in with their support for Trump by commenting, "Sapiocrats kick the poorly educated when they are down. President Trump reminds them that they have a voice in our Republic as well." 


The decisive win in Nevada filled up the business mogul with joy who then geared up and indirectly took a jibe at his Democrat rivals. Boasting on his numbers in Texas and Florida he said, "It's going to be an amazing two months. We might not even need the two months, folks, to be honest." The ex-POTUS had made claims of building walls in southern states of America to stop illegal immigration. The controversial agenda was a part of his "Make America Great Again" campaign. 


"We’re going to have our borders nice and strong. We’re going to build the wall, you know that. We’re going to build the wall. And I have a lot of respect from Mexico, and you just heard we won Hispanics. But let me tell you Mexico is going to pay for the wall, right? It’s going to happen. It’s going to happen. They know it. I know it. We all know it," he further asserted during the speech as reported by Quartz

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