Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump says the president calls her weekly for advice, and he relies on her counsel, particularly when it comes to tweeting. Donald and Ivana Trump are said to have a similar way of approaching things, and Ivana Trump says that she has encouraged her ex to keep tweeting to get his thoughts out to the public. Ivana Trump also insists that she was offered the Czech Republic ambassadorship, but she turned it down to maintain her “perfect life.”
Back in February, Ivana Trump was insisting that Donald Trump was going to make her the ambassador to the Czech Republic , which is what she desperately wanted. Ivana Trump told the press about her desire to be the next Czech Republic ambassador and said that she had told Donald Trump that she wanted the post.
“I will suggest that I be ambassador for [sic] the Czech Republic.”
Ivana Trump said she was ready to move back to the Czech Republic and assume the post. Trump explained that Americans might not know it, but she is well-known around the world.
“[That] is where I’m from and my language and everybody knows me. I’m quite known all around the world. Not only in America. I have written three books, and they were translated in 40 countries in 25 languages. I’m known by the name Ivana. I really did not need the name Trump.”
Ivana Trump turns down ambassadorship: ‘I have a perfect life’
— CNN (@CNN) October 5, 2017
Ivana Trump is starting a major press push in advance of the release of her new memoir, Raising Trump, about bringing up Trump children , Donald, Jr., Ivanka, and Eric. Ivana Trump is talking about her relationship with Donald Trump, and the role she is playing in his White House.
Ivana Trump says Donald Trump wanted to make her role official, offering her the ambassadorship to the Czech Republic, but she says she would rather maintain her “perfect life” as it is, and continue advising him over the phone.
“I was just offered to be the American ambassador to Czech Republic — and Donald told me. He said, ‘Ivana, if you want it, I give it to you.’ But I like my freedom. I like to do what I want to do, go wherever I want to go with whomever I want to go. And I can afford my lifestyle. Okay, why would I go and say bye-bye to Miami in the winter, bye-bye to Saint-Tropez in the summer and bye-bye to spring and fall in New York? I have a perfect life.”
CNN contacted the White House to confirm Ivana Trump’s assertion that she has been offered the ambassadorship to the Czech Republic, but they have not yet responded.
Ivana Trump: I told the president to tweet so the media doesn’t “twist” his words
— The Hill (@thehill) October 5, 2017
Donald Trump’s ex-wife says she has advised President Donald Trump about his Twitter habit, suggesting that he should keep tweeting to his constituents.
“I said, ‘I think you should tweet. It’s a new way, a new technology. And if you want to get your words across rightly, without telling the New York Times , which is going to twist every single word of yours, this is how you get your message out.’”
Many critics of Donald Trump have pointed to his tweeting, saying that it is not a presidential or dignified way to speak to the public, but Ivana Trump disagrees.
“Well, it’s a tweeting president. This is his new way, how to put the message across. And he’s right.”
Ivana Trump will allegedly speak out about Donald Trump’s second wife, Marla Maples, and his current wife, Melania, on CBS Sunday Morning this weekend.
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Recently revealed tapes and transcripts from the Howard Stern Show tell a different story about the relationship between Donald Trump and his first ex-wife, Ivana Trump, and it’s hard to believe that Donald Trump asks for Ivana’s advice on anything . On the tape, Donald Trump expresses that he was unhappy that Ivana appeared in the movie The First Wives Club , and that when Ivana calls him, it’s always to ask for money.
When Stern’s co-host, Robin Quivers, asked Donald Trump if he was saying that Ivana wasn’t a good businesswoman, he complained about the money she had lost that belonged to him.
“So she lost $6 million of my money, and I’m not happy about it.”
Do you believe that Ivana Trump is advising Donald Trump? Do you think that Ivana Trump was asked to be the Czech Republic ambassador?
[Featured Image by Luis Ribeiro/AP Images]