Trump Dismisses Joe Biden’s Address: “Barely Understandable, and Sooo Bad!”

Trump Dismisses Joe Biden’s Address: “Barely Understandable, and Sooo Bad!”
Cover Image Source: Getty Images |Leon Neal; (Inset): Evan Vucci-Pool

From the Oval Office, on Wednesday Joe Biden spoke about his decision to step down from the 2024 presidential race. This was Biden's first public address since announcing his resignation from the ticket on Sunday afternoon. However, after the speech, Donald Trump wasted no time criticizing the president on his social media site, Truth Social.



Trump shared on the site, "Crooked Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech was barely understandable, and sooo bad!" Upon returning from a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump saw the address live on his private plane. On X, a photographer posted a shot with accompanying text, "@realDonaldTrump watches President Biden’s address to the Nation, from his plane following a rally in Charlotte, NC." It was his first big speech since Biden's departure and the first since Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris assumed the nomination.



Nevertheless, Trump further responded to Biden's comments on Fox & Friends on Thursday claiming that Biden raised more questions than answers. As reported by Fox News, Trump addressed Biden's speech and added, "I think it was a coup. They didn't want him running. He was way down in the polls, and they thought he was going to lose. They went to him and they said, you can't win the race, which I think is true, unless I did something very foolish, which I wasn't going to do, and I think he was so far down and they said, 'You're not going to win, and you're not in great shape, and you did poorly in the debate.' I think the debate started everything."



Trump continued by saying that Biden was coerced into dropping out of the race. The former president claimed, "I know a lot of people on the other side, too, that they went, and they forced him out between Pelosi and Obama and some others that you see on television. It was interesting. I'd watch them on television and they act so nice. ‘Oh, yes, we loved you. We loved you behind the scenes.’ I know for a fact they were brutal."

Image Source: Getty Images |Photo by Evan Vucci-Pool
Image Source: Getty Images |Photo by Evan Vucci-Pool


On the other hand, Biden's address on Wednesday revealed his radically different position. In his message to the American people, Biden informed them that he had decided not to run for re-election because he believes that there should be 'a time and a place for new voices.' His remarks, which lasted 11 minutes in all, were the first lengthy ones from him since his decision to stand aside. A desire to deliver the baton to a new generation of leaders at a time of unparalleled danger, the president said, was the true motivation for his decision to terminate his run for reelection.


As reported by CNN, Biden said, "I revere this office, but I love my country more. It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president. But … the defense of democracy, which is a stake, I think (is) more important than any title,” Biden said. “Nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition." While praising Vice President Kamala Harris, the president reiterated his long-standing warning that Americans must decide whether to allow democracy to regress or save it.

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