Trump Claims No President Has ‘Done More’ for Black Americans Than Him, Angry Netizens Call It Out

Trump Claims No President Has ‘Done More’ for Black Americans Than Him, Angry Netizens Call It Out
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson

At the National Rifle Association convention, former President Donald Trump boasted that he had 'done more for the Black individual' than Abraham Lincoln. The Republican contender identified himself as an ally of the Black community during his speech to conservatives at the NRA Leadership Forum in Dallas on Saturday. The president-elect was careful to refer to himself in third-person while discussing the achievements of his first time in office.



One part of his speech is going viral on X in which he said "And honestly, there's been no president since Abraham Lincoln, perhaps in a certain way including Abraham Lincoln, that has done more for the Black individual in this country than Donald J. Trump. Nobody. Not even close." His assertions have prompted netizens to call him out on social media. One user shared the viral clip and wrote, "In case people forgot, Donald Trump was first indicted in 1973 by the Nixon DOJ for violating Civil Rights laws with his discriminatory real estate practices. He marked applications by Black people with a C for "colored," so they would not be rented to."



The instances where Trump was criticized for his "racism" were collaged by another user. It mentioned headlines like, 'Donald Trump's long history of Racism' and 'Trump attacks on prosecutors echo long history of racist language.' One more user wrote on Twitter regarding Trump's Lincoln comparison, "NOTHING. He did NOTHING for the black community other than send in the National Guard during their peaceful protests. Professional Provocateurs were sent in by someone to cause chaos."

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson


Another user pointed out, "Was it the full page ad he put in the paper calling for the execution of the now exonerated Central Park 5 or the time he told American congressional women of color to “go back to where they came from”? Or the time he said the Black community liked him because he’s been charged with crimes?" The user here pointed out that Trump declared in 2019 that four black congresswomen should return to their 'broken and crime infested' home nations. As reported by AP News, he was referring to Ocasio-Cortez and her colleagues in the House. Along with them are Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley, Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib, and Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar.



Recently in February, a clip of Trump's address at the Black Conservative Federation banquet went viral for some unclear comments he made, in which he seemed to say that Black Americans admired him despite his many criminal charges. He said at the time, "I got indicted and lot of people said that’s why the black people like me…" As reported by Snopes, he also added in his speech, "Black conservatives understand better than most that some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom and to deny them their rights. [...] I think that's why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them."

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