Trump Calls Kamala Harris 'Worst Vice President' As Megan Thee Stallion Performs at Her Fundraiser

Trump Calls Kamala Harris 'Worst Vice President' As Megan Thee Stallion Performs at Her Fundraiser
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Sean Rayford; (Above) Julia Beverly; (Below) Julia Beverly

Former President Donald Trump is at it again! The Republican frontrunner for the upcoming presidential elections called Kamala Harris "crazy" after her recent rally saw performer Megan Thee Stallion twerk on stage during her performance. Remarking that Harris is the worst Vice President Trump called her rally a failure. 

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ron Sachs - Pool
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ron Sachs - Pool


In a post on Truth Social, the ex-POTUS wrote, "Crazy Kamala Harris, voted the WORST Vice President in American history, needed a concert to bring people into the Atlanta arena, and they started leaving five minutes into her speech." Asserting he does not need concerts for rallies he added, "I don’t need concerts or entertainers, I just have to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!" The post shared on July 31 came in after Harris' Atlanta fundraising rally. Several chimed in critically calling out the VP for not being serious enough for the POTUS 2024 race.



Thee Stallion performed during the July 30 rally in Georgia state to woo the voters. After twerking on the stage she addressed the crowd saying, "I want to start off by saying Hotties for Harris!" However, the statement backfired and raged X (formerly known as Twitter) with the hashtag "Hoes For Harris," a phrase rather deprecatory of the Harris campaign. 



The hashtag was also called out for its sexist connotation as an indicator of Republicans and their mindset about women in American politics. Netizens also called out Harris' rally saying inviting the rapper wasn't necessary. User @Russ47396Dennis wrote, "I’ve been posting that for the last four hours pretty pathetic to have to pay a performer to get people to come to your rally. Could you imagine if you had Kid Rock at your rally? It would make Woodstock look like a pep rally TRUMP 2024." Another wrote, @osiraoloosra, "Next thing you know she will be charging ticket prices to attend a rally, you know…cause she gets paid to do the wild thing."



While others contradicted like @ErikDeeFullmer commented, "Ha ha debate her. I watch the whole thing. People stayed til the end. Louder cheers than I’ve ever heard Trump get. Concert of not. That crowd was huge and loud for Kamala. Trump is shitting bricks and throwing ketchup at his walls." Recalling the RNC event in Milwaukee user @Zarboner713 said, "You just had Kid Rock… and Hulk Hogan in full character perform at your rally. Weirdo."



According to The Guardian, around 10,000 people were seated in the Georgia State Convocation Center with several waiting outside to catch a glimpse of the politician and the rapper. After taking the stand Harris said, "As an attorney general, I held big Wall Street banks accountable for fraud. Donald Trump was found guilty of fraud. In this campaign, I will proudly put my record against his any day, including on the issue of immigration." Later she added, "I do hope Trump will agree to meet me on the debate stage, because as the saying goes – if you got something to say, say it to my face."

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