At Sunday’s Comic-Con, it was announced that True Blood is returning to its roots. Many exciting hints at future events and changes were commented on by the main characters present that day.
The executive producer, Brian Buckner remarked that he wants to take it back to the basics, bring the show back to Bon Temps, the town everyone knows and loves. The show was originally focused in Bon Temps, but has really moved in a lot of directions and places in the last few seasons.
This was the sixth Comic-Con which the True Blood cast attended a Panel. The only ones not present were Alexander Skarsgard and Stephen Moyer, who play the vampires Eric and Bill. The Panel began with a teaser video of the end of season six, and the crowd was full of applause and excitement. Ron Kazinsky who plays Ben/Warlow in the show said we’ll be seeing some knarly stuff coming up.
The recent death of the long time character Terry Bellefleur sent a shock wave through the True Blood fan base. Some felt that it was the right time for Terry to die though. And the focus has been moving towards the end of the sixth, and the just announced seventh seasons. More was said concerning True Blood returning to its roots by Anna Paquin.
She said that Sookie is tired of being the person that gets walked on and that her character has been growing stronger, and will have more of a backbone in coming episodes. Joe Manganiello, who plays Alcide, a werewolf, has had a complicated role, perhaps one of the hardest in the show. He’s had a love/hate relationship with Sookie and other characters, because he always does what he feels is right no matter the cost.
Buckner said that he wanted to reduce the number of stories in the show, and that it’s primarily about vampires and humans. He is bringing the focus back to Bon Temps and drawing the main characters back together to face a single threat. See the Official Teaser Trailer from Comic-Con below.