After a last minute stay of execution was denied Troy Davis was executed in Georgia on Wednesday, the execution took place at 11:08pm, 3 hours and 8 minutes after the prisoner was scheduled to be put to death.
Prison officials delayed Troy’s execution until a last-ditch plea played out it’s course at which point Davis continued to say he was innocent, pleading for protesters to:
“Dig deeper into this case and find out the truth and asked his family and friends to find out the truth and keep the faith.”
Davis was convicted of killing police officer Mark MacPhail in 1989 however several witnesses who testified in his original court case have since recanted their statements. The scene of the crime also lacked enough physical evidence to convict Davis, a fact that has led to a large grass roots movement to stay his execution.
After gaining national attention various top officials asked that a stay of execution be given to Troy Davis, those supporters ranged from former U.S. President Jimmy Carter all the way up to the pope.
Before his death Amnesty International called for his sentence to be commuted and various human rights groups have promised to further investigate Davis’ case following his execution.
Where do you stand on the Davis controversy? Should a stay of execution have been given while the case was more closely examined in the light of new information?