Kids say the darnedest things. The Palins are no friends to the gay community , and mama bear Bristol’s views seem to have started to rub off on her son, Tripp. In a new clip from her show Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp , her toddler throws a fit, ultimately labeling his own aunt a “faggot.”
Kids get upset. They do irrational things. In the Palin family, apparently they sling anti-gay slurs when they don’t get their way. At least, that’s the way 3-year-old Tripp Palin handled a situation that didn’t provide him a favorable outcome, reports the Huffington Post . After Bristol and his own Aunt Willow denied Tripp a visit to the swimming pool, he lashed out in the face of discipline, calling Willow a “faggot.” How did the two “adults” in the room handle the situation? The kind of nervous giggling that stems from the self-awareness that all of this was just caught on film.
To her credit, Bristol admits that she hasn’t done a very good job teaching Tripp to not use homophobic slurs, or really provide any concise form of discipline whatsoever, reports the Examiner . “I’m doing a terrible job disciplining Tripp,” she confesses. “I know he’s going to continue to push the boundaries and push the limits.”
It is interesting that Tripp chose the epitaph for Aunt Willow, since she famously sparked controversy in 2010 when she said that a classmate was “so gay,” and calling him “such a faggot,” on Facebook. Taste your own medicine, Willow!
HuffPo opined that Tripp would be “better served by taking notes from dad Levi Johnston, who in 2009 embraced his gay icon status,” following a Playgirl spread. IQ would like to add that while Tripp may benefit from his absentee-dad in this regard, he should probably ignore any attempt at advice from Johnston in pretty much any other matter.
Here’s the video of Tripp Palin calling his Aunt Willow a “faggot.”
How sad.
UPDATE: Showrunners are now saying that Tripp said the BIG f-word, the one that gets movies their “R” ratings. Reports Newser , Bristol herself stepped out to clarify the slur amid media criticism: “As I’ve said before, I sometimes struggle to raise Tripp. However, he does NOT use slurs,” she says. “I’m not proud of what he did say. Sadly, he used a different ‘f word.’ [But] I do oppose gay marriage, as I’ve written about before … I guess the temptation to label my three year old son is just too great for the lefty papers to resist.”
Well, you’re off the hook with the gay community, I guess. We still suggest the old-fashioned soap treatment.