On Thursday evening, Trevor Noah wasted no time making fun of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. After a segment about Africa, a YouTube video shows Noah indicating that Neil Gorsuch will have absolutely no problem getting confirmed. He noted that instead of “exercising their sacred constitutional duty” to advise on a lifetime appointment to the highest court of the land, Republicans weren’t taking the hearings seriously.
Noah then played a tape of some of the questions Republicans asked Gorsuch. Senator Mike Crapo of Idaho asked him where his favorite fishing stream was. Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona wanted to know what was the largest trout Gorsuch ever caught. Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska wanted to know how Gorsuch could go so many hours without peeing.
“Here’s another question: Would you rather roll back the rights of 100 tiny gays or one giant woman?” Noah jokingly asked Gorsuch after the video. Noah said that the hearing reminded him of a scene in a movie when the criminals couldn’t believe they got away with the greatest theft of all time.
“So obviously, all the Republicans were loving Gorsuch. But there was one guy who was in love,” Noah continued before showing a video of Ted Cruz enthusiastically listening to Gorsuch talk.
Watching Cruz with his eyes wide open while smiling like an excited teenager made the audience laugh. He then indicated that he hasn’t seen Ted Cruz so giddy since he got a Linkedin request. Noah said Cruz’s smile looked like that of a man who is reconsidering same-sex unions.
As the Washington Post notes, Democrats have acted completely different and have been trying to press Gorsuch for answers as the Republicans feel confident over Gorsuch’s confirmation. The Democrats have repeatedly asked him about abortion rights and other issues important to liberals.
Gorsuch gave various vague answers and admitted that he couldn’t be more candid because “it’s like a campaign promise for office.” However, it’s pretty much presumed that Gorsuch will be very conservative, perhaps just as conservative as the recently deceased Justice Antonin Scalia.
On The Daily Show , Noah admitted that Gorsuch was handsome and athletic — those are the reasons Noah thinks Ted Cruz fell for him. Noah also said that Gorsuch speaks like he’s starring in every action movie.
“Nobody speaks for me. I speak for me,” Gorsuch says in one clip.
“No man is above the law,” he says in another.
“Nobody will capture me,” the SCOTUS nominee says in a final clip that garnered the most laughs from the audience.
Noah indicated that Neil Gorsuch could easily stand in for Tom Cruise before letting all the “ladies” know he is taken. He made fun of Gorsuch’s wife rising her eyebrows as her husband complimented her.
“You don’t need to be a love expert to know what that means,” Noah said, which was followed by even more laughs.
You don’t have to be an expert to know that Trevor Noah is finally resonating with The Daily Show audience. According to Showbuzz Daily , Trevor Noah had 884,000 viewers on Tuesday evening, and he scored 924,000 viewers on Monday . He has been scoring above the 900,000 mark frequently since Donald Trump was elected president. Twitter appears to love Noah as well.
What is your favorite recent segment with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show ? Let us know in the comments section.
[Featured Image by Matt Sayles/AP Images]