As the Inquisitr previously reported, Top Chef star Fatima Ali lost her battle with a rare form of bone cancer on Friday, January 25. Shortly after, her grieving family shared a message of love and honor in tribute to their beloved daughter.
“Fatima was at home with us, surrounded by her loved ones and beloved cat Mr. Meow, when she left us in the early hours of the morning. When someone as bright and young and vivacious as our Fati passes, the only metaphor that seems to fit is that of a star — a beacon in the darkness, a light that guides us, on which to make wishes, from which to weave dreams,” the family posted to the chef’s Instagram page following her passing, as Us Weekly reported.
The family shared more positive words, encouraging her fans to live as Ali did. They stressed the importance of living with passion, and living life to its fullest potential. Ali’s family said that their daughter lived her life with kindness and forgiveness in her 29 short years, and that she remained humble — and enjoyed every morsel of life.
Ali had been struggling with Ewing’s sarcoma, which was diagnosed as terminal, since 2017. She consistently updated her friends and fans on her difficult health battle, recently sharing a selfie where she revealed that she needed uplifting prayers, and asked the forgiveness of those she may have wronged in her life. The ominous post was capped off with a photo of the star smiling, and she added that she was thankful for those in her life that have brought her joy. Ali said she would update her fans when she could, but, sadly, the next post from the reality star and chef came from her parents as they announced her passing.
Ali’s family continued their statement, saying that they had learned many difficult lessons over the course of her terminal illness, but they also learned the immense power of love and how important it is to be true to one’s self, as their daughter was. They lifted her up and said they wished more people would model themselves after the caring, forgiving, and kind chef, and thanked everyone from her doctors, nurses to friends and fans for their support during her illness and passing.
“We’re eternally grateful for the unending support, love, and generosity shown by people along the way—from random strangers we passed on the street who would tell her how much they admire and respect her; to all her doctors and nurses who did their best; the chefs and hospitality friends who are now part of our extended family; and the big wigs that reached out to see how they can make her dreams a reality. This has been a truly humbling experience for us all and even in her last chapter as she began to leave us, Fatima showed us how we should live,” the message concluded.