Miss Universe Japan bags the Best National Costume during the pageant ceremony hosted by Steve Harvey. The ladies cultural ensemble has been judged during a pre-taped competition. The girls paraded their National Costumes during the preliminary competition held at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on November 18, 2017.
According to the MUO Press, the National Costume segment at the Miss Universe pageant is an annual tradition where the participating girls parade a creatively-unique costume that best represents their country on the international stage. Although a set of criteria is being used to pick the yearly winner, a contestant opts to show up with a variety of costume concepts that exudes the uniqueness of her culture without taking away her individuality and personality.
This round is one of the independent segments conducted to select special awards winners. It also aids fans and critics to see how their favorite candidate project on stage. To be clear, winning the Best In National Costume award does not guarantee a contestant in the semis. The Top 16 is chosen through the preliminaries, which are subdivided into three different rounds, e.i., Swimsuit, Evening Gown, and Interview.
Nonetheless, this special award, alongside the Miss Photogenic and the Miss Friendship titles, can serve as a prized recognition for their hard work during the month-long competition.
Below are the top 10 showstopper and most creative national costumes at Miss Universe 2017 pageant. Please note that this list comes in no particular order and is based on fan favorite and Missosology hot picks.
MU Ecuador
This costume weighs 22 pounds and it represents the continental regions that make up her region.
MU Vietnam
This Vietnamese costume showcases different cultural looks. For example, the large conical hats and the color combination inspired by local festivals.
MU Guatemala
Miss Guatemala’s costume represents her country’s tradition where locals fly kites over a cemetery to show peace while scaring away evil spirits.
MU Venezuela
This mirrored warrior armor represents Venezuelan women who are intuitive, spiritual, and free.
MU Trinidad And Tobago
The costume is inspired by her country’s national bird, the Cocrico. It’s unique for its long tails and quaint morning calls.
MU Canada
This costume is called the Queen of Ice inspired by the Canadian winters and the mountain tops of the Rockies.
MU Thailand
This costume is inspired by an ancient Thai story about thunder and lightning where Miss Thailand plays the role of the god of thunder.
MU Costa Rica
Her costume honors her country’s Golden Museum in San Jose.
MU Myanmar
Winning the National Costume at last year’s edition of Miss Universe, Miss Myanmar is on fire to take home a back-to-back win for the country. She brought in a mini float carrying a Burmese traditional musical ensemble composed of gongs and drums.
One of the most cheered presentations, Japan’s costume is the eventual winner of this year’s Best National Costume award. Her costume stuns audience as it transforms from a ninja suit to a Japanese kimono.
During the telecast, host and former Miss USA 2014 Nia Sanchez shared that the National Competition is a Miss Universe tradition that dates back all the way to 1962 .
[Featured Image by HO/Miss Universe Organization]