Tom Cruise Has This Hidden Movie Contract That Prevents Advertisers to Profit Off Him

Tom Cruise Has This Hidden Movie Contract That Prevents Advertisers to Profit Off Him
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Jeff Spicer

Tom Cruise has built a billion-dollar movie business for himself with several worldwide box office hits. He has proved his mettle as an action figure with the colossal Mission Impossible movie franchise. Because of his fame, there could have been a million-dollar market for mementos, collector's items, toys, and action figures based on his on-screen images. However, this will never happen because of a hidden clause in Cruise's movie contracts. According to LadBible Cruise has a strict contract provision that states, "The actor's likeness may not be used to create any merchandise." 

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Fernando Camino
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Fernando Camino


Hence his image was removed from the Mission: Impossible III and War of the Worlds PlayStation games: his face cannot be used legally on any likeness that isn't from the movie. Additionally, in contrast to Cruise's signature brunette shaggy hairstyle in the movie, the main character in the 2002 game Minority Report sported a blonde head and short hair. Cruise's agents refused to answer whenever they were questioned about using his likeness in a video game, according to MTV at the time. 



According to the Daily Mail, fans gave various reactions to his 'secret clause', "Kinda gotta hand it to Tom Cruise for completely refusing to ever surrender over his own likeness, got ahead of the AI thing. Say what ya will about him but he treats himself like he’s the brand, won’t let his name be bought and sold and replicated," a fan wrote on X. "I find the whole concept of deepfake at Best unsettling it’s kinda like how there are no video games/action figures etc of Tom Cruise because of some contract thing, it’s like, that’s my likeness, you can’t just use it for your own purposes," another X user stated. 



Meanwhile, at an opulent handover ceremony to Los Angeles in the French capital, Cruise performed a death-defying action during the Olympics that left the audience and fans around the world in disbelief. He jumped from the roof of the Stade de France in front of thousands of spectators while strapped into a harness for the spectacle, which required an incredible 18 months of planning. Sources close to the situation said that The Mummy actor got into a backroom argument with supervisors over why the safety ropes were keeping him from falling farther, even though they were legitimately concerned about his safety. 



"Tom helped to create this stunt and said that he needed to do something that has never been done before," sources told the Daily Mail. "He argued with producers over his safety rope which was clearly visible and he felt it did not make the jump believable enough and he did not plummet as fast as he wanted. His close circle strongly advised him against the jump and have told him he really needs to stop throwing himself into so many death-defying stunts. It's one thing when he's shooting a movie, but now this Olympics stunt - it's incredibly worrying."



The sources concluded, "Tom knows the risks involved and he doesn't care. He refuses to pull back. He truly believes he is larger than life. Part of his belief has to do with fact that he is one of the biggest action movie stars of all time. Part of it is his Napoleon complex and also the fact that he is pretty much a demigod in his religion. But he's not 25 anymore - not even 35 or 45."

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