Friday marked the 14th anniversary of 9/11, and amidst the tributes and condolences that were made to those affected by the tragedy, there was one story involving Steve Buscemi’s efforts alongside firefighters in the days and weeks after the disaster that will restore your faith in humanity.
Before he became a critically acclaimed actor, Steve Buscemi worked as a firefighter in New York City. 18-year-old Steve Buscemi originally trained to become a firefighter back in 1976, when he took the FDNY civil service test.
In 1980, a 22-year-old Buscemi became a firefighter while at the same time as trying to find work as an actor. Buscemi worked on FDNY’s Engine Co. 55 in Little Italy, downtown Manhattan.
Buscemi worked in this position for four years before he eventually left to pursue further acting jobs. But his devotion to his fellow firefighters still festered though, especially in the days after 9/11.
That’s because following the falling of The Twin Towers on September 11, the Brooklyn-born Steve Buscemi, who has starred in Reservoir Dogs, Fargo, and Boardwalk Empire , decided to return to help his fellow firefighters by working 12-hour shifts “digging and sifting through the rubble from the World Trade Center.”
Brotherhood Of Fire originally revealed that Steve Buscemi assisted them in this manner after 9/11 with an extensive Facebook post back in September 2013. Jonathan Lusk of the Brotherhood Of Fire shared the story.
“In 1976 Steve Buscemi took the FDNY civil service test when he was just 18 years old. In 1980 Steve Buscemi became a New York City Firefighter.”
“For four years, Buscemi served on one of FDNY’s busiest, Engine Co. 55 in Manhattan’s Little Italy. He later left the fire service to become a successful actor, writer and director.”
“After 9/11/2001… Brother Buscemi returned to FDNY Engine 55.”
“On September 12, 2001 and for several days following Brother Steve worked 12-hour shifts alongside other firefighters digging and sifting through the rubble from the World Trade Center looking for survivors.”
“Very few photographs and no interviews exist because he declined them. He wasn’t there for the publicity.”
“In 2003 he also gave a speech at a union rally supporting higher wages for firefighters and to stop fire houses from closing. He got arrested along with other firefighters.”
“Also not very well known is that in 2012 Brother Buscemi showed up in Breezy Point, NY and quietly assisted in the clean-up efforts of the damage and mass destruction left by Super Storm Sandy.”
“Once a brother, always a brother!”
According to Uni Lad, 343 firefighters died in the September 11 attacks as they looked to rescue people stuck in the towers. However, many more have been diagnosed with illness and injuries in the years after the attacks too, especially because of the toxins that they were exposed to in the rubble at Ground Zero.
[Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]