This Is Us returns with an all-new episode after a one-month hiatus. In a new installment titled “There,” Kevin (Justin Hartley) will find his life forever changed after a road trip home to California, where Madison (Caitlin Thompson) is at the hospital, awaiting the birth of their twins. Kevin’s childhood memories of Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) will also be explored as the two attend football training camp.
The NBC press site has uploaded a string of new images from tonight’s This Is Us . A young Jack will be played by Joaquin Obradors. Peter Onorati will return as Stanley, Jack’s father. Parker Bates will play young Kevin.
NBC did not clarify on their press site why the character of Stanley will return and how his flashback scenes will be woven into Kevin’s story.
In several scene stills, Stanley smiles at a young Jack, who wore what appeared to be a baseball uniform. As Jack grew older, Stanley’s relationship with him became more contentious. Fans can likely look forward to further exploration of the complicated relationship between father and son during tonight’s installment.
In the photographs, it appears Kate receives a phone call. Presumably, she learns her twin, Kevin, was involved in a car accident. This was teased at the close of “ Birth Mother ,” which aired on January 12.
In a trailer seen below, Kevin can be seen rushing from a film set in Canada — where he’s filming his latest project — to be with Madison. A car cuts him off in the promo. and this leads fans to wonder just how critical Kevin’s situation will be.
In the trailer, Jack is seen in a flashback telling Kevin that football isn’t the only thing he has and that he would grow up to be “way better” than him.
The This Is Us writers room tweeted that this episode was written by Issac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger.
In an Instagram post, the show added a photo of Hartley as Kevin and reminded viewers that tonight’s episode would be brand new.
Fans were thrilled that a new installment of This Is Us was finally airing.
“Is it going to be three weeks until the one after this tho?” one follower questioned.
“Thank heavens! I half the time forget what’s happening with all the long breaks! Lol!” a second fan wrote.
“FINALLY! Can’t freakin’ wait!” a third Instagram user exclaimed.
“Finally! Hope Kevin is ok,” a fourth viewer hoped.