This Estranged Member of the Trump Family Plans to Support Joe Biden At Atlanta Debate

This Estranged Member of the Trump Family Plans to Support Joe Biden At Atlanta Debate
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L);(R): Justin Sullivan

A Trump family member has chosen to side with the rival Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump during the Atlanta, Georgia debate. The Republican front-runner's niece and the daughter of his deceased brother Fred Trump Jr. Mary Trump has been an outspoken critic of her uncle's political aspirations as well as his moral compass. Predictably, she lent her support to the opposition.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Johnny Nunez
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Johnny Nunez


On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the two major candidates of the presidential elections in November had a first showdown. As part of the promotional strategy, the Biden-Harris campaign issued a statement, "On the subject of character, few people can speak to Donald Trump better than his family. Tonight, his niece, Mary Trump will join Team Biden-Harris in the spin room," as per Daily Mail.



The 59-year-old added, "I'm in Atlanta tonight to remind everyone who Donald is as a person and how he would rule as a president because the stakes are far too high for us to get this wrong: We cannot afford to allow Donald Trump anywhere near the levers of power again." 



The debate was set in CNN's Atlanta studio and the media network ensured safety measures by fortifying the venue with fences for the fear of violent protests. No immediate family turned up at the debate to support Trump with a close source citing Don Jr. and his sister Ivanka (who frequently accompany their father) couldn't attend due to prior work commitments, per The New York Times.



Meanwhile, Mary continued, "Donald cannot be trusted and we must recognize that his last administration was simply a warm-up for much worse to come," and she referred to Jan 6. Capitol Riots as "a dress rehearsal for a man who will stop at nothing to ascend, once again, to this country's highest office." 



She further ripped her uncle's character and hunger to stay in power, motivated by his heightened sense of ego, "He is desperate for power and has shown himself both unworthy of wielding it and obsessed with regaining it purely for his own benefit. He must be stopped. If the worst happens and Donald gets back into the White House, none of us who ever criticized him will be safe because revenge and retribution are what he traffics in." 



Meanwhile, other surrogates for Biden included Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia, and Representative Jasmine Crockett of Texas. As for the former president, his campaign refused to comment on who'd spin in the debate room on his behalf. 



Mary, who became estranged from the high-profile family, condemned her politician uncle's bullying of her late father Fred Jr. She wrote a tell-all memoir, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, which was released in September 2023, claimed the now-78-year-old is a threat to the American democracy, a narrative Biden-Harris been pushing in their campaign. 

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