One of the panelists of ABCs chat show The View and comedian Joy Behar took a jab at Arnold Schwarzenegger for being involved with his housemaid. The all-female panel discussed a married woman’s “extramarital” story who apparently approached the New York Times for advice. However, this reminded Behar of the Terminator actor’s “infamous” affair story.
Whoopi Goldberg introduced the audience with the title of the New York Times story, “Right now, we’re going to bring you one of the stupidest stories we have ever brought you before,” reported Yahoo! The audience erupted in laughter, including her fellow panelists.
She continued, “A woman who just ended a years-long affair with a man wrote to the New York Times in a panic because she and her husband were just invited to a dinner party with the same man. And she writes, ‘What should I do?'”
Goldberg quipped, “Well, dummy, maybe don’t go!” Everybody on the sets had a great laugh over her response. However, her co-host Sarah Haines disagreed and said the anonymous woman should pay for her actions and go to the dinner and sit with her discomfort. She deserves it.
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Haines said, “For all those years they were having an affair, they went to those events together.” She criticized that only now she’s uncomfortable with her ex-flame being around and worried about being caught. “So you will show up, you will eat the food, you will be polite, and you will shut your mouth and then go,” added Haines.
Behar interrupted and said there would be alcohol in the event, which might lead to some truths falling off their mouths. “You never know what people are going to say when they are drunk,” Behar pointed out. Fellow host Sunny Hostin shared her opinion and said the affair was between two adults within the “same social group.”
Hostin lamented, “This is what’s bad. These groups were social; it was a social friend group. Why are you messing inside your social friend group?” She added, “There’s plenty of people that will mess with you outside of that group.”
WHAT WOULD YOU DO? After a spouse who just ended a years-long affair with someone wrote to ‘The New York Times’ for advice because they were invited to a dinner party with the person, #TheView co-hosts weigh in.
— The View (@TheView) July 12, 2023
The affair story reminded Behar of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s news of having an extramarital affair with his maid. So she joked about it and quipped, “It’s like the Arnold Schwarzenegger story.” The comedian continued, “The Arnold Schwarzenegger story is he had an affair with the maid.”
She then referred to men as “lazy” and “effortless” beings.” Behar added, “Because men are so lazy that they have to look in the next room to find somebody to do it with, and these people are available to him.” Griffin then interrupted Behar and said the “poor” husband would be clueless about what’s happening at the table. Behar retorted, “Don’t think the husband isn’t doing anything either.” And everybody laughed at her comment.
Schwarzenneger admitted to his affair with PEOPLE and confessed about “secretly fathering a child with the family housekeeper.”
The Fubar actor confessed, “You do think about it every so often. And I can beat myself up as much as I want — it’s not going to change the situation. So the key thing is, how do you move forward? How do you have a great relationship with your kids?”
Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Affair With His Housekeeper? Here’s a Refresher
— Distractify (@Distractify) June 7, 2023
His maid Mildred Baena fell pregnant and welcomed a child nine months later, which happened to be just five days after his wife Maria Shriver gave birth to their son Christopher. Upon learning of the revelation in 2011, when the child, Joseph, was then 14 years old, in a family therapy session, Shriver filed for divorce shortly after.