The Originals Season 5 spoilers are already trickling in, even though Season 4 is not done airing yet. The most recent information has to do with casting. It seems that Summer Fontana might be leaving the show. A casting notice is calling for an actress to play Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Hayley’s (Phoebe Tonkin) daughter, Hope Mikaelson.
Possible spoilers are ahead. Do not continue reading unless you want to know what could happen on The CW series.
According to Spoiler TV , the television show is looking for an actress to play Hope in The Originals Season 5. This is making fans wonder what is happening with the current actress, the talented Summer Fontana . Is an older Hope going to appear, perhaps a teenager? Will she stay the same age but be replaced by a different actress? Is the casting notice tricking fans and the part is really for a new character? It’s hard to tell because Go Casting didn’t reveal what age the actress needs to be. It would be a lot easier to figure this out if the casting director was searching for a seven-year-old, a teenager, or an adult.
It is possible that there could be another huge time jump. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , executive producer Julie Plec accidentally revealed a big spoiler for Season 5 when speaking with EW Radio . Alaric Saltzman (Matt Davis) and Caroline Forbes (Candice King) are running a school for supernatural children. It was one of the storyline endings in the final episode of The Vampire Diaries .
“Alaric and Caroline are running the Salvatore School For The Young And Gifted where Hope Mikaelson… sh**, never mind. Keep watching…”
Earlier this season on The Originals , Alaric appeared and implied Hope would be more than welcome at the establishment. There have also been a few different occasions in which the youngest Mikaelson mentioned how lonely she is without other children. Then, on the last episode of The CW series, Hayley began wondering what kind of future her daughter would have in New Orleans. It all seems to be adding up to Hope leaving town.
If Summer Fontana is leaving The Originals and a new actress is taking over the role, then there must be a time jump. Since people already know that Hope is going to Alaric and Caroline’s school, will Season 5 deal with a teenager who returns home after a few years? Will the school teach her how to control her powers and use magic responsibly? Will Alaric and Caroline be able to keep the little girl safe? Hope is very powerful, but she is also a target because she is Klaus Mikaelson’s daughter.
Another possibility is that the Mikaelson family is not able to get The Hollow out of Hope’s body. Knowing how Freya (Riley Voelkel) and Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) think outside the box, could they save Hope by putting her soul in another body? It’s impossible to know until viewers see the Season 4 finale of The Originals .
The only odd thing about the casting notice is that it listed the title of the series and the character name. With popular television shows, an alias is often used or it will not give a name at all. This casting call revealed the title of the series as well as the name of the character. However, checking Go Casting ‘s public listings yielded no results.
When Hope Mikaelson was aged up last year, the casting call said it was for The Originals , but did not give the name of the character. However, it did list the preferred age range and physical characteristics. This was all the information needed for fans to figure out Hope was being aged up. Perhaps they don’t want to give away as much information this time? Of course, it is always possible that this particular part was only sent out to certain individuals and agencies.
What do you think of the casting call for Hope Mikaelson? Do you think Summer Fontana is leaving The Originals ? Will there be a time jump or is there something else going on with Klaus and Hayley’s daughter in Season 5?
[Featured Image by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]