The provisional titles for the coming Dragon Ball Super Episodes 128 and 129 have been revealed. This time, the subject focuses on the two main protagonists of the hit anime show, Goku and Vegeta. As the show comes to its nearing conclusion, the events in the coming episodes are without a doubt a cracker. Without further ado, here are the provisional titles for DBS Episodes 128 and 129.
Thanks to @herms98 for once again providing the translated version of the Korean spoilers for Dragon Ball Super . Further, the leaker also breaks down the remaining schedules for the show, which is of great importance since the anime is heading toward its last four episodes.
Dragon Ball Super Episode 128’s provisional title is “With Noble Pride to the End! Vegeta Falls.” To speculate the information given by the episode’s title, it highlights the fall or defeat of the Prince of Saiyans, Vegeta explicitly. Two things come to mind when digesting the subject of the claim, Vegeta losing the encounter by being pushed back by Jiren or the idea of getting eliminated.
To recall, the preview of DBS Episode 127 talks about the final barrier of hope. It is also the time when Jiren finally revealed his real powers following the defeat of Toppo. If the speculation turns out to be true, the remaining episodes of Dragon Ball Super , the Tournament of Power will highlight the one on one battle between Goku and Jiren.
Meanwhile, in Dragon Ball Super Episode 129, the provisional title highlights the most awaited comeback of the Ultra Instinct form. Countless predictions and speculations have stormed the internet regarding Goku’s mastery of this dominant form. The epic showdown between Jiren and Goku will now be witnessed, and this time the difference between power levels are all squared. Undoubtedly, this will be one of the most exciting episodes for Dragon Ball Super .
Note: The ideas stated in this article are based on speculations excluding the provisional titles and schedules.
Remaining Episode Breakdown
We all know that Dragon Ball Super is inching closer to its final run as the most epic anime series of all time. Opinions regarding its conclusion have been shared and delivered, yet the idea still pierces right through the heart. In preparation for the current arc’s showdown, the source breaks down the remaining episodes and its corresponding schedule of release.
Dragon Ball Super Episode 128 will air on February 18, 2018. The show will then take its week of break and will resume with Dragon Ball Super Episode 129 on March 4, 2018. The show’s final two episodes will air on March 18 and 25, 2018, respectively, meaning DBS will once again take a week break on March 11, 2018. Hence, we will await each Dragon Ball Super episodes with great anticipation.