Dr. Jen Arnold and Bill Klein of The Little Couple will be back on TLC with new episodes soon and fans are anxious to catch up with them. Those who follow the family via their social media pages know that Jen and Bill just faced another difficult and stressful medical situation, but Bill’s latest updates reassure fans that he’s doing fairly well. What’s the latest?
Bill Klein’s back has been giving him problems for a couple of years. As fans will see in the new season of The Little Couple , he decided that he needed to go through with a surgery to try to resolve the issues. There were some serious risks involved in the surgery but he’s said that he wants to do everything he can to ensure he is around and in good shape to parent Will and Zoey.
Not long ago Klein posted a picture of a semi-grown beard and he joked that “Post-op restrictions on bending over the sink along with @Movember [have] rendered this face fuzzy. #stillneedahaircut.” Despite a complicated surgery and surely a good amount of pain, Bill’s sense of humor still gets The Little Couple fans laughing.
Klein’s sense of humor was clearly present once again in a new tweet. The Little Couple star said that he got a chance to drive for the first time since having surgery almost four weeks ago. He joked that he should have been a race car driver and he loves everything about driving. After having so many limits after surgery, most would imagine his being able to get behind the wheel again comes as a welcome change of pace.
As the show’s Facebook page shares, The Little Couple returns with new episodes on TLC beginning on December 2. Viewers will see Jen Arnold’s cancer check-up at her 6-month post-treatment appointment, and everybody is hoping that there is good news to celebrate. From the sounds of things, Arnold’s cancer has indeed stayed in remission.
Will and Zoey are blossoming and fans will see all sorts of family activites showcasing their sweet personalities. While both the family and the fans were hoping that this season would be filled with solely good times, Bill’s back surgery and worries will come in to play this season, as well. Luckily, viewers now have some updates that show that a month out of the surgery, Klein is doing pretty well.
Tune in to The Little Couple on TLC beginning December 2 to see how Dr. Jen Arnold, Bill Klein, Will and Zoey are doing these days.
[Image via TLC]