There’s a common perception about conversation on the web that at some point regardless of how well the conversation may have started off will devolve into seeing who can hit Godwin’s Law of The USENET ; which was arrived at by Mike Godwin and states:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.
After spending much of the past 20+ years involved with computers and the online world I have seen that law live up to its proposition so it is no surprise to me to see how some would think that the future of the Internet will be the realm of jerks and bullies.
Of course I have also heard that kind of statement pretty well every couple of years during my time online so I’m not sure exactly how much validity there is in the supposition being made with the following infographic that asks if “Are Jerks The Future of the Internet?”
As usual though I just present the message and let you come to your own conclusions which of course you can always share with us in the comments.
via Geeks are Sexy