Yes, the DC Cinematic Universe delivered yet another crossover, courtesy of the CW’s Supergirl and The Flash . While fans following all of the DC related content aired on the CW network might find these episodes enticing, giving them more from their favorite characters with crossovers spanning up to four different series ( Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow , and Legends of Tomorrow ), most people don’t follow all four shows. For those who only follow a selection of one or two shows, these crossovers may confound things a bit, but this is why we have recaps. Only read further, if you wish to know what happened on The Flash , following the events of this week’s Supergirl .
The Flash And Supergirl Get Their “Duet”
As Entertainment Weekly points out in covering the “Duet” episode of The Flash , this week’s musical crossover with Supergirl served a purpose in driving the plots of both shows forward, as each title character was left in a dark place, following personal strife. Something similar was attempted 16 years earlier, when Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired “Once More, With Feeling,” though, in that case, there wasn’t the added problem of dealing with a crossover.
For its music, “Duet” offers a selection of familiar cover songs intermingled with original numbers written specifically for The Flash episode.
The recap actually begins with Supergirl . Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) ended her relationship with Mon-El (Chris Wood), after learning that he had been the prince of Daxam. Feeling betrayed, Kara decided she could no longer trust Mon-El and things might have gone from bad to worse, except Darren Criss showed up as Music Meister and cast a spell on Supergirl. Mon-El, carrying Kara in his arms and accompanied by J’onn (David Harewood), traveled to Earth-1 to get help from Team Flash, only to learn that Barry (Grant Gustin) suffered a similar fate.
Supergirl and The Flash both find themselves existing in an alternate reality in which they are both performers in a 40s era jazz club. When Barry awakens in this scenario, Kara is already wooing audiences with “Moon River” from Breakfast at Tiffany’s .
From there, things take on a premise resembling The Wizard of Oz with many faces familiar to The Flash and to Supergirl fans, playing different characters in this alternate 1940s world. Kara immediately recognizes what is happening, having always been a big fan of The Wizard of Oz , herself.
It’s shortly afterwards that the Music Meister shows up once more to explain that the two heroes are trapped within a movie musical and the only way to escape is to play things out. Of course, there is one catch. If they die in the musical, they die in real life. To prove his point, Music Meister jumps right into a performance of “Put a Little Love in Your Heart,” backed up by Jeremy Jordan, John Barrowman, and Carlos Valdes.
Music Meister’s Heart Was In The Right Place
Collider reveals that the plot of the musical takes the tone of a traditional gumshoe mystery. The Flash’s Professor Martin Stein (Victor Garber) kidnaps both Barry and Supergirl, transporting them to a local mobster, whose daughter, Millie, is missing. Enlisting help from Cisco (who is known as Pablo in The Flash ), Barry and Supergirl find Millie making a little love nest with her beau, Tommy (a.k.a. Mon-El).
Eventually, The Flash and Supergirl heroes convince Millie and Tommy to reveal the news of their romance with their parents, averting further violence and allowing both Barry and Kara to awaken in their own unharmed bodies.
In the end, Kara and Barry realize that Music Meister had good intentions, trying to teach them more about love and trust than they had learned up to this point on either The Flash or on Supergirl . What the heroes take away from this experience remains to be seen.
The next episode of The Flash , entitled “Abra Kadabra,” airs on Tuesday, March 28 on the CW network.
The next episode of Supergirl , “Distant Sun,” airs on the CW network on Monday, March 27.
[Featured Image by CW]