Fans of NBC’s hit The Blacklist must have breathed a sigh of relief when Season 4’s finale solved what is probably one of the biggest puzzles of the series. Using a genetic sample taken decades ago, it was finally revealed that Reddington is indeed Liz’s father. However, there are speculations saying that Season 5 could put a new twist to that apparent closure. In a gist, there are theories stating that the current Red may not be Liz’s father but is actually an impostor.
The Blacklist is a show known for leading its audiences one way only to have their assumptions shattered as the show progresses. A great example is when everyone believed Liz to be dead, only to be revealed a season later that it was just a fake death meant to fool Red. Given this precedent, it is understandable that fans would be a bit wary of Season 4’s revelation that Red is Liz’s father. While the DNA test result might be true, there could be a twist that might be introduced when Season 5 returns this fall.
Some untrusting The Blacklist fans were quick to point out that there is one potential flaw with the DNA test result. The sample used for the testing was taken from Reddington decades ago and not from the current Red. Thus, it opens the possibility that the current Red may not be the same person who was the source of the sample.
Apparently, it is a theory that even Jon Bokenkamp, The Blacklist executive producer, is familiar with. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , the EP admits that the theory still makes sense even after Season 4’s reveal.
“There is a big camp that [believes the] Raymond Reddington imposter theory, that Red is not who he says he is. I mean, I can’t deny that that all still adds up and is one of the theories that makes sense. It’s out there, it’s cool, I’d love to have you walk me through the whole thing. But this imposter theory is one that’s alive among our fan base.”
If the current Red is not the Redding of the past who is the source of the DNA tested, who could he be then? Well, depending on who you ask, answers vary greatly. For instance, there are those who believe that, for still unknown reasons, someone took over Reddington’s identity when Liz killed him on the night of the fire as stated in this The Blacklist fan site, which also contains an impressive collection of evidence to support the impostor theory. Of course, there are also those who are convinced that the current Red is actually Katarina, Liz’s mother.
Agent Ressler or Mr. Sturgeon? The truth will be revealed. Donald will return to #TheBlacklist on Oct 4 – 8/7c.
— The Blacklisters (@blacklisters_) July 14, 2017
But it appears the suitcase full of bones will set the plot for Season 5. In last season’s finale, the suitcase is in the possession of Tom, who may or may not give it to Liz.
Of course, the pertinent question is whose bones could be inside the suitcase. Again, a lot of theories have been put forward with some saying that it could contain Katarina’s bones due to the letter K marking on it. On the other hand, there are fans who believe that it could contain the bones of the real Reddington. If the latter is true, it also explains why the impostor Red is bent on intercepting the bones to keep them from reaching Liz.
EP Bokenkamp already confirmed that the suitcase reaching Liz could spell trouble for Red. When EW questioned Bokenkamp whether the bones belong to the real Reddington, the EP confirmed that the bones are the key for Liz to unlock the bigger picture, something that Red, impostor or not, is not quite ready for yet.
“That could also be a good theory. I love the way you look at this. Look, they could be anyone, right? But they’re going to be a problem, a real problem, Liz finds out about them. These bones are a key to unlocking everything, and Red is not ready for that yet.”
The Blacklist Season 5 release date is slated this coming October 4, 2017, airing on NBC’s 8 p.m. slot
[Featured Image by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]