NBC’s The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 4, titled “Gaia,” opened up possibilities for more trust issues among major characters when Episode 5, titled “The Lindquist Concern,” finally airs. Episode 4 focused more on Elizabeth “Liz” Keen (Megan Boone), Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold), and a man in the woods called Gaia.
This week’s episode started with Gaia, who lives in the middle of the woods in a school bus, which he changed into a home. The man made an anonymous call saying that he had a new target, and he instructed the receiver to pack the car and get away as far as possible.
Later on, the man slipped something into another man’s drink during a party. As the victim shuddered and was almost dying, Gaia looked at his watch and told him to hold on since it would not be long.
In another incident, Liz received a video chat from Alexander Kirk, wherein she answered and immediately asked about the whereabouts of her baby, Agnes. It emerged that Agnes is safe and according to Liz’s perspective, she and Agnes were Kirk’s targets because he needed their blood to cure him. The episode not only presents trust issues between Liz and Kirk, but also her and Tom.
Liz instructed Tom not to trace the video chat message, but Tom went ahead and did it. The move seemingly put him in jeopardy since Kirk realized that the chat had been traced.
Gaia was in for more killings. Aram Mojtabai briefed the task force that Gaia was possibly trying to find the most susceptible place to hit Borron Energy Services. According to Aram, if the strike turned out successful, it would hit hundreds of schools and homes, as well as a nuclear power plant.
Mr. Kaplan woke up in a cabin patched up although she could not move. She was saved by a mysterious man from the field, and it turned out that he has a dog. With all the events and cliffhangers at the end of Episode 4, viewers are wondering where the story will go next week.
A big part of The Blacklist Season 4 so far has been about whom Liz can trust. Kirk claims to be her father, Raymond “Red” Reddington is Reddington, and although Tom has the best interests for his family, he decides to go about doing things his own way. Tom seems not to care about how others will feel.
Trust issues are likely to culminate on The Blacklist next week when Episode 5 airs. “The Lindquist Concern” will feature Kirk once more at the center as Red tries to make a move on him. The truth about the series is that anything is prone to happen, even if that anything turns out to be crazy on the surface.
The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 5 synopsis, via Cartermatt, reads, “Liz’s (Megan Boone) loyalties are tested as Red (James Spader) takes action on an operation to intercept Alexander Kirk. Meanwhile the Task Force races to find a killer who targets inventors of revolutionary technology.”
The storyline is even more intriguing when the promo for the upcoming episode is considered. From the trailer, while Liz definitely does not trust Alexander Kirk, and Reddington may as well be giving her more reasons not to trust him. For example, there is the issue of the DNA report, suggesting that Red may have lied to her all this time about her father.
Liz may reconsider Kirk and turn against her longtime partner. She will be desperate to rescue her baby, and with such a move comes more danger for everyone. As always, Red and Tom will fight hard to save Liz from anything.
[Featured Image by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]