Teen Mom alum Farrah Abraham confirmed her ‘new romance’ during the Thanksgiving weekend. The former reality star shared a ‘happy’ reel on Instagram with the caption, “It’s Giving” to announce her relationship with a mystery man. As per TMZ , the couple met via the OnlyFans site and only grew closer after they were matched on a dating app as well. However, the TV personality has made sure that her $1 million net worth remains safe along with her reputation by making her new beau sign an NDA contract.
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Speaking on the same subject with the reputable entertainment publication, Abraham disclosed that she is getting to know her new partner and that he purchased a second home near her residence following their formal announcement in late September. She also mentioned that after being in questionable relationships, she spent three months consulting with a dating and relationship counselor. The adult star stated that she made her ‘non-famous’ partner sign the NDA because she desired a relationship devoid of drama. Abraham added that they are “inspiring each other and deepening their bond through meditation, swimming, and travel”. The former MTV personality disclosed that while they are excited that their relationship started out as friends. The couple is waiting until winter to get to know one other’s families.
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Abraham briefly dated Minus Gravity guitarist Mack Lovat last year, and the two had been friends for over two years before making their romance official. As per TMZ , after Lovat initially slid into the reality star’s direct message, the two went on a Covid date to a park and to a basketball game. Together with her daughter, Sophia, they also celebrated her birthday in Hawaii and just kept getting together after returning to Los Angeles.
As reported by Page Six , the adult star had previously said that she didn’t think Lovat would negatively affect her seven months of outpatient therapy or her sobriety since he maintains a “low profile away from drama.” Therefore, she trusted him enough to start a relationship with him. However, hours after going public about their relationship in June 2022 the couple split. Abraham alleged that Lovat “couldn’t handle media attention.” She said “Sometimes people turn into monsters with the press,” adding, “Happy I found out now.”
“No matter your traumas — whether they are physical or mental, people see them or don’t see them — I wanted to take the time and say I am grateful for my family for hanging with me this year in one of my hardest years,” the former MTV star shared at the time.
Before her incredibly short relationship with Lovat, the Teen Mom star was connected to Aden Stay, a Hollywood stuntman. In 2018, the couple broke up after dating for only two weeks. “A mutual friend set us up. We went on two dates but we were never in a relationship,” Aden told E! News back then. “I don’t care about fame nor did I know she had any. She’s a nice person and I wish her luck in the future. Right now I’m focused on my career.”